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What is The Best Online Weight Loss Programme?

So, What is The Best Online Weight Loss Program?

Well, thousands of people around the world are searching for the answer to the same question: What is The Best Online Weight Loss Programme? This is understandable, as nobody wants to waste their time, effort, or money on yet another failed diet attempt. However, the good news is that effective, medically endorsed online weight loss treatments do exist. Furthermore, new ones are becoming available every year. Sarah, below, lost 140 pounds on My Weigh Less.

Best online weight loss program, on line treatment. - My Weigh Less

Best Online Weight Loss Program

Seeking out the best online weight loss treatment program can be exhausting. It’s similar to picking up a new diet book, and the opening line reads: “This book will change your life!” You will probably have read those words too many times to remember. You pick up the book, eagerly waiting to get to the last page for the “Miracle” to be revealed, for it to magically happen, or for the weight loss “Secret” to be revealed………..And it never was, not really!

best online weight loss programme

In the previous paragraph, I said that seeking the right weight-loss diet/program was exhausting. One of the reasons involves the diet industry, which is reportedly valued in excess of $250 billion, and it grows larger every year. The problems around obesity, of course, also grow larger every year. So, it must mean that whatever information they are feeding us just does not work. They get richer; we get poorer and fatter. It’s sad, but true.

Best on line diet

Dieting or any weight loss regime is a downstream solution to obesity or just being overweight. It addresses the symptoms rather than the root causes of the problem. Any upstream solution will likely need to come from a government intervention.

Obesity is a multifaceted problem influenced by various factors, including genetics, environment, socioeconomic status, and access to healthy food options. Dieting typically focuses on reducing calorie intake, altering food choices, or following specific eating plans. While these approaches can lead to weight loss, they often neglect the psychological reasons as to just why people turn to food for reasons other than hunger.

This may initially sound strange, but it is now accepted by medical and scientific communities that obesity is, in the majority of cases, a psychological issue rather than a physical one. As an example, ask an overweight person: do you eat when you are tired, depressed, sad, lonely, bored, or to please someone else? Most will answer yes; very few eat because they are physically hungry.

Dieting can also be associated with harmful practices, such as extreme calorie restriction or the exclusion of entire food groups. Moreover, many diets, which are, of course, a form of deprivation, are very difficult to maintain over time, leading to cycles of weight loss and regain, commonly referred to as “yo-yo dieting.”

Do Your Research

Best Online Weight Loss Treatment – Programme

So, if you are seriously looking for the #1 best online weight loss programme, one that works, you should do some research. Start by asking a few questions. Over recent years, online weight loss programs have increased in popularity. This is probably down to the fact that you can, of course, complete them in the comfort and security of your own home. Also, there are no public or group meetings, which many people find uncomfortable. Therefore, there is no fat shaming to endure! They are often suitable for all ages too. Please read our “Safe Weight Loss for Teenagers” page.

Online Weight Loss Programme. My Weigh Less

Choose the Online Format That Suits You

There are literally hundreds of online weight loss programmes available, but obviously, some are better than others. A number of them require you to commit to buying their home-delivered food and following their normally restrictive diet, for instance. Others are exercise-focused, and as a result, they may include a gym membership. So, the number of options is limitless. But as we have already said, do your research.

Best online weight loss treatment - My Weigh Less

Consider how much you are prepared to invest.

The saying that “you get what you pay for” is often very true. A study published in the UK national press recently stated that the average dieter would try up to twenty serious diet regimes and spend in excess of £20,000 on diets in a lifetime. In all honesty, you should consider all the possible options before you decide. Then, you can at least make your selection based on some research. After all, it will prove less expensive in the long term and also save you many miserable years of frustration. You can also read our page: Best Time To Start Your Weight-Loss Journey.

Kay lost over 100 pounds with our weight loss treatment

Best Online Weight Loss Treatment – Programme

Kay Lindley, in the photo above, lost over 100 pounds and reversed her Type 2 Diabetes following a weight loss treatment developed by Martin and Marion Shirran. She went on to appear on a UK National TV show to talk about her weight-loss journey. For more information, you can read about us and our background. You can read our post: Best Diet Secrets.

Finding a Program for Weight Loss That Works

If you’re reading this page, it probably means you are looking for an online program that works; then let us help you. Firstly, we have listed below the ten most important questions we think you should be asking with regard to any program you come across. One thing to be avoided is any thoughts of weight-loss surgery. Take a look at this page: Gastric Band, Bypass or Sleeve.

Fully downloadable weight loss course, phone, tablet, desk top

Do your research and ask the right questions…

Firstly, is this online weight loss program based on sound research?

Secondly, does the program have a real proven track record?

Thirdly, are the team who developed the program experienced in weight loss?

Has the program been proven by real person trials?

Does the course’s website encourage you to read their verifiable case studies?

Is this online program based on proven science?

Has the program been reviewed by the World Media? TV, for instance?

Can you complete the program at your own speed?

Does the program contain any unique proven component that is new?

And lastly, can you pay for the program as you progress through the course with no ongoing commitment?

It is important to ask the above questions. As we said earlier, research states that the average person will follow up to twenty different diets in their life, spending in excess of an incredible £20,000 as a result. But sadly, only a small number of dieters reach their target weight and maintain it. This can be as low as two out of a hundred, which means an alarming 98% failure rate! However, if you’re prepared to make some small lifestyle changes, you can be successful.

FAQ 1. Can I access an optimised weight loss experience through online programs, similar to in-person treatments?

Answer: This question addresses the quality and effectiveness of online weight loss programs compared to traditional in-person treatments. As things progress and become refined, many online downloadable approaches will enter the mainstream. My Weigh Less has won awards and recognition globally as a leader in the field,

FAQ 2. Are there any unique components or techniques that make a weight loss program more effective online?

Answer: Some online weight loss programs incorporate unique components or techniques that enhance their effectiveness. For example, Pause Button Therapy® is an innovative approach that builds on traditional cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT), providing additional support for individuals seeking to change their relationship with food. Such unique techniques can contribute to a program’s success.

FAQ 3. What is Pause Button Therapy®, and how does it contribute to the effectiveness of an online weight loss program?

Answer: Pause Button Therapy® is a therapy technique developed by experts in weight loss, Martin and Marion Shirran. It enhances traditional cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT). It is designed to help individuals pause and rethink their reactions to triggers related to food and eating habits. By incorporating this technique into an online weight loss program, participants can develop healthier thought patterns and behaviors, ultimately contributing to the program’s effectiveness.

FAQ 4. How can I research and find the most effective online weight loss program?

Answer: To research and find the most effective online weight loss program, begin by evaluating the program’s credibility and reputation. Look for reviews and testimonials from real participants, inquire about any scientific endorsements or media coverage, and assess the program’s transparency in sharing verifiable case studies. This research will help you make an informed choice.

FAQ 5. What are the key factors to consider when choosing the best online weight loss program?

Answer: When selecting the best online weight loss program, it’s crucial to consider factors such as the program’s track record of success, the qualifications and experience of the team behind it, the scientific basis for its approach, the availability of real-person trials and case studies, and the flexibility of payment options. These factors collectively contribute to the program’s effectiveness and suitability for your individual needs.

FAQ 6. Is there a recommended approach for combining online weight loss programs with physical exercise routines for maximum results?

Answer: Combining online weight loss programs with physical exercise routines can yield excellent results. A recommended approach is to choose an online program that aligns with your exercise preferences and goals. Some programs may offer exercise guidance, while others focus solely on nutrition and behavior. Ensure that your chosen program allows flexibility for integrating exercise and emphasizes a holistic approach to achieving and maintaining a healthy weight.

What is The Best Online Weight Loss Treatment – Programme

Why Listen To Us?

Martin and Marion Shirran
My Weigh Less Ruby continues to lose weight

An Online Weight Loss Programme that is unique

Their weight loss treatment incorporates a number of proven therapies, including hypnotherapy, cognitive behaviour therapy and NLP. The Shirrans also developed and trademarked Pause Button Therapy® (PBT). This is an enhancement to traditional CBT, and was the foundation of TactileCBT®. PBT is a vital part of their weight loss treatment.

My Weigh Less CBT weight loss treatment

In 2012, they signed a publishing contract with Hay House, the leading Mind Body publisher in New York. Then their first two books, ‘The Gastric Mind Band’ and ‘Pause Button Therapy’, were published in early 2013. Professor Windy Dryden of Goldsmiths University, London, and Professor Philip Zimbardo of Stanford University in the USA have both endorsed their work.

Pause Button Therapy CBT

Clinical Evidence

Martin and Marion presented their work at the 1st International Psychology Conference on Time Perspective at Coimbra University in Portugal. Along with Dr. Sarah Clarke, they also presented a symposium at the 2nd International Psychology Conference. Professor Philip Zimbardo organised this event at Warsaw University. To further endorse their work around weight loss, there’s a Medical Endorsement page on the site that you may find of interest, including input from an NHS Surgeon.

Marion Shirran, as a director of Oxford Therapeutics Limited, is proud to be a registered Stakeholder in NICE – National Institute for Health and Care Excellence and is pleased to be involved in the All Party Parliamentary Group on Obesity.

Martin and Marion were proud to be awarded the ‘Most Innovative Obesity Psychological Therapy’ in the UK Mental Health Awards 2022.

Mental Health Award

An Optimised Weight Loss Experience

The My Weigh Less downloadable weight loss programme is based on ground-breaking work around the treatment of obesity. The Shirrans have amassed fifteen thousand individual clinical hours in the treatment of weight loss. As a result, they strive to deliver an optimised experience to each client. Martin was the original trial candidate; he lost 85 pounds.

Martin Shirran

The new online course they developed has been the subject of considerable real-person trials, which ensures it continually delivers the desired results. The course consists of twelve one-hour sessions, which you can purchase individually, with no ongoing commitment. Martin and Marion also appeared with Holly Willoughby and Philip Schofield on the This Morning TV Show.

This Morning TV featured Martin and Marion Shirran

Visit the My Weigh Less Website

Visit the My Weigh Less site and read the ‘What Do I Get? section. You can also listen to an audio explanation of the treatment by Martin and Marion Shirran. Additionally, the site contains a ‘Does This Work?’ page, as well as a number of case studies. Last but not least, please look at the selection of verified ‘Before and After’ photographs.

My Weigh Less

Alison, above, lost 74 pounds with Martin and Marion’s Weight-Loss Treatment, which was a life-changing experience. She is just one of a thousand clients who have travelled around the world to spend four days with them. The four-day, clinic-based treatment included over twelve hours of therapy. This has now been packaged into the My Weigh Less Course. You can read more about Martin and Marion Shirran on the ‘About Us’ page.

We look forward to helping you achieve your dream.

What is The Best Online Weight Loss Treatment - Program

You can download the complete course, and start your weight-loss journey today.

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View the Short Animated My Weigh Less Video below

Although the weight-loss results and success stories shown on the site are typical, individual results will vary and are not guaranteed. Weight-loss success depends on each individual’s level of motivation, commitment, food intake and metabolism.

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