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My Brain Food Addiction

My Brain Food Addiction. Studies suggest that someone who continues to fail in their weight-loss attempts may, in fact, be suffering from a food addiction. They do not have a general lack of willpower around food but are battling a disease an addiction just like cocaine, heroin, or alcohol. So maybe we need to think again about how to overcome and treat obesity and being overweight in society.

My Brain Food Addiction

On this page, we will explain just how Food Addiction has become such an issue; we will also share with you a few tips to help you reverse any addictive tendencies you may be experiencing, possibly without knowing. You may also enjoy reading our page: “Eat cake, lose weight!”

Brain Food Addiction

Research seems to indicate that the issue of food addiction doesn’t just affect those who are overweight or obese. It is thought that people of normal, healthy weight could, in the same way, also be addicted to food. Scientists believe that those who are not overweight are just genetically programmed to handle any excess calories they consume. But, as yet, research isn’t conclusive. Please also read our page about Ruby’s success story: “How to reset your relationship with food”

Like addictive drugs, foods high in sugars and carbohydrates ensure the brain releases an elevated level of dopamine, which produces a feeling of pleasure. This scenario is not restricted to just carbohydrate-rich foods. Sugar, fat and salt (SFS) are definitely on the top tier of addictive substances that we consume. Please also check out another of our posts about dealing with food addictions: “Help me to stop eating”

Brain Food Addiction

When we mix together Sugar, Fat and Salt in the right proportions, this can create enormous levels of cravings. A classic example is the relatively new concoction developed by the food industry, which is almost guaranteed to hook us. We are talking about salted caramel chocolate. They recently launched Salted Caramel Baileys!!!

My Brain Food Addiction

By carefully mixing the three most addictive substances together, they effortlessly deliver a ‘tsunami’ to the neuron receptors in your brain. Within seconds of the chemical combination arriving in your brain, you hand over control of your eating to a higher level. These three substances, when combined, are as addictive as cocaine or heroin. They are legal and easier to purchase. Consequently, you do not need to find a dealer, and you can relax as the government, via taxes, is taking a cut at every level.

It is known that the consumption of junk food and the resulting cravings often lead to the development of a full-blown addiction. Experts believe that this is because highly processed foods trigger the same reward pathways in the brain as drugs. You may also like to read our page, which summarises the Michael Mosley, Channel 4 TV documentary: “Who Made Britain Fat?”

My Brain Food Addiction

Adding SFS to food is excellent news for the food industry. These ingredients are guaranteed to drive over-consumption. Additionally, they’re cheap and readily available. So, it maximises their profit margins! The fact that their shelf life is almost off the scale is an additional bonus. Food scientists are constantly searching for what we refer to as the ‘bliss point’.

So, an example of a “bliss food” is pizza. Food scientists have spent years experimenting with the chemical structure of the SFS to enhance their “mouth feel” – the warm, melt-in-the-mouth sensation you get when you bite into your favourite cheese-stuffed pizza. The entire experience is engineered to hook you. And it will; Pizza, of course, consists almost entirely of sugar, fat and salt. Read more information on Empower Health website.

All addictions are the result of you experiencing a big surge, followed by a slump in the production of the ‘reward’ neurotransmitter dopamine in the brain. More specifically, increased levels of dopamine create more pleasure and pleasure-seeking addiction. In less than half a second, sugar consumption can trigger blood sugar surges that release dopamine.

My Brain Food Addiction

However, when they are overstimulated, gradually, the receptors in the brain become desensitised, so less dopamine is released.  So, over time, just like what happens to a drug addict, those addicted to food will need to consume ever-increasing quantities in order to achieve the same ‘high’.

Not All Foods Are Addictive

Many people ask if all food groups are addictive, and the researchers are still working on the definitive answer to that question. It is true, however, that over consumption, especially of sugar, fat and salt, is the fastest route to addiction. Experts believe this is a result of the release of dopamine in the brain.

Chocolate contains natural chemicals like encephalin, and the opioid receptors triggered when eating chocolate are similar to those activated by morphine. This explains why some people find it hard, if not impossible, to stop after eating just one square of chocolate. It’s all about brain food addiction!

My Brain Food Addiction

There are, of course, some foods that are more addictive than others, but research shows that the opposite can also be true. Celery and spinach are two examples of healthy foods, along with salads, that experts believe are non-addictive. You may also enjoy reading our page: “Do you want or need bread?”

My Brain Food Addiction

Hunger is triggered in the brain by hormonal signals from ghrelin and leptin, among others. It surprises many people that it has absolutely nothing to do with sensations in the stomach. It is a fact that many people eat when they are not happy, feeling alone, or maybe just under the weather. True hunger pangs are seldom experienced.

It is a fact that in the majority of circumstances, people have absolutely no idea exactly why they are eating. They may have just had a large dinner, or maybe they have had to loosen their belt afterwards. And then someone asks them if they would like a piece of chocolate cake with ice cream for dessert. As if by magic, and not knowing why, they say yes! It really comes down to dopamine levels in the brain and their subconscious answering this question for them.

My Brain Food Addiction

There is good news for the overweight; genes can explain why they overeat. It may not be entirely their fault. They just have an overall weakness around food. So, they experience elevated cravings and feelings of discomfort when deprived of certain foods. But, just as traditional drug addicts can take control of their responses to stimuli, so can food addicts. It can be reversed, with a little concentration.

Certain people experience an elevated level of craving for certain foods, leading them to feel depressed when they cannot consume their food of choice. Some people visit the shops on the way home from work. They stock up on chocolate, for example, then sit in their car and consume it all ahead of arriving home, ensuring that they get rid of any wrappers, etc, to hide their shame.

Stubborn dieters have reported following the identical actions of seasoned alcoholics by purchasing and then hiding food in different locations around the house for future use.

Brain Food Addiction

People may feel they can’t stop eating and that their food consumption is out of control. Often, they will be aware that they need to take action to reverse the level of obesity and control other health-related issues. Many overweight people who become aware that they have an addiction problem feel overwhelmed that it is out of their control.

If you suffer from food addiction, like other addictions, with some effort, you can overcome it. Just like with alcoholism, the first step is to admit and face up to the issue that you are addicted to. Share the news with close family, and then they can help you. If you are overweight, sign up for a recognised weight-loss programme, one that will give you the support you require. If you invest the time and effort, you can reverse your addiction.

One of the first steps to recovery will be figuring out the triggers for your addiction and understanding what initiates your unwanted behaviour around food. Then, you can make sure you avoid them. Seek help because you need to understand the tools required to go about reversing or recovering from the addiction.

My Brain Food Addiction

You may find that for a temporary period, you will need to reduce the amount of time you spend with certain friends. Some of them are what we refer to as ‘diet terrorists’. They will lead you down the wrong path, maybe without even being aware of their actions.

Brain Food Addiction

Going forward, you will benefit by adopting a more healthy diet. You should slowly reduce your consumption of processed and high-carbohydrate foods. Try to incorporate a healthier diet by increasing the quantity of protein and green vegetables you consume. As a result, you will feel better and fuller on much less food. You may be interested to read our new page. The Diet Tips That Don’t Work

In the battle against obesity and the struggle to shed those extra pounds, it’s essential to recognise the critical role that food addiction plays in our lives. Contrary to popular belief, it’s not merely a matter of lacking willpower; food addiction is a legitimate condition, much like addiction to substances such as cocaine, heroin, or alcohol. This revelation should prompt a shift in our approach to combating the global epidemic of obesity and being overweight.

Brain Food Addiction

Food addiction is a complex issue that transcends body weight. It can affect individuals across the spectrum, from those who are overweight to individuals with a healthy body mass index. The common denominator is the addictive nature of certain foods, particularly those rich in sugars, fats, and salts. These foods stimulate the brain’s reward centre, leading to intense cravings, a loss of control over consumption, and adverse health consequences.

Understanding that food addiction is a genuine and powerful force in our lives is the first step toward effective change. While it may not be a quick or straightforward process, it is possible to reverse food addiction and regain control over our eating habits. Admitting the addiction, seeking help, and sharing the journey with supportive family and friends are pivotal steps.

My Brain Food Addiction

Incorporating a healthier diet that reduces the consumption of processed and high-carb foods while increasing the intake of protein and green vegetables is crucial. Identifying triggers and unhealthy behaviours related to food is equally important for long-term recovery.

My Brain Food Addiction

By addressing food addiction head-on and making conscious, positive changes in our lives, we can take back control, reverse the cycle of addiction, and embark on a path toward a healthier, more fulfilling future. Food addiction may be a formidable opponent, but with effort, determination, and the right support, it’s a battle that can be won, leading to a happier, healthier life.

Our FAQs

FAQ 1: What is food addiction, and how does it relate to weight loss challenges?

Answer: Food addiction is a condition where individuals experience cravings and a lack of control over their food consumption, similar to the struggles faced by those addicted to substances like cocaine or alcohol. It’s not necessarily a lack of willpower; instead, it’s often related to an addiction to certain foods, particularly those high in sugar, fat, and salt. This addiction can contribute to weight loss difficulties.

FAQ 2: Can food addiction affect people of all body weights, or is it primarily associated with obesity?

Answer: Food addiction can affect individuals across a range of body weights, not just those who are overweight or obese. Some people with a healthy weight may also have addictive tendencies towards certain foods. Research suggests that those who maintain a healthy weight may be genetically predisposed to handle excess calorie consumption better.

FAQ 3: What makes certain foods addictive, and how do they affect the brain?

Answer: Foods high in sugars, carbohydrates, sugar, fat, and salt can trigger an elevated release of dopamine in the brain, creating a sensation of pleasure. These substances can lead to cravings and addiction, similar to how drugs affect the brain.

FAQ 4: How does the combination of sugar, fat, and salt in foods contribute to addiction?

Answer: The combination of sugar, fat, and salt in specific proportions can create intense cravings. Foods engineered with these elements can lead to a heightened level of addiction. Salted caramel chocolate, for example, is designed to be highly addictive due to its composition.

FAQ 5: Are there clear signs that you might be addicted to food?

Answer: Signs of food addiction include cravings, loss of control over eating, and continuing to consume despite negative consequences. Many people may not even realize why they are eating, and it often relates to the brain’s reward pathways, including the release of dopamine.

FAQ 6: Are all foods equally addictive, or are some foods less likely to lead to addiction?

Answer: Not all foods are equally addictive, but overconsumption, particularly of sugar, fat, and salt, is a quick route to addiction due to the release of dopamine in the brain. Healthy foods like celery and spinach are examples of non-addictive foods.

FAQ 7: Can food addiction be reversed, and what steps can individuals take to overcome it?

Answer: Food addiction can be reversed with effort and support. Admitting the addiction is the first step, followed by seeking help, sharing the issue with family, and signing up for a recognized weight-loss program. Identifying triggers and understanding unwanted behaviours around food is essential for recovery.

FAQ 8: What changes can individuals make to their diet and lifestyle to address food addiction and support weight loss?

Answer: To address food addiction and promote weight loss, individuals should gradually reduce their consumption of processed and high-carb foods. Increasing protein and green vegetable intake can lead to feeling fuller with less food. Reducing time spent with friends who may encourage unhealthy eating habits and adopting a healthier diet are steps to consider in the journey to recovery. My Brain Food Addiction.

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Are you tired of trying countless diets that never seem to work? Frustrated with the constant cycle of losing and regaining weight? What if a medically endorsed solution was rooted in thousands of hours of clinical experience? One that didn’t involve restrictive diets, excessive exercise, or invasive surgeries? Sarah Hart, below, featured on UK television, lost an incredible 140 pounds.

My Brain Food Addiction

A Psychological Approach to Sustainable Weight Loss

Consider a new psychological approach to weight loss, where you effortlessly learn to eat when you’re genuinely hungry rather than relying on emotions like tiredness, sadness, loneliness, stress or depression to dictate your eating habits. You can complete the whole My Weigh Less Master Class from the comfort of your own home. The course includes a PDF forensic questionnaire, 12 audio MP3 sessions, nine different hypnosis sessions and much more. For more information, you can read our Course Details page.

Picture yourself as a healthier, slimmer version of yourself, free from dieting fears and able to enjoy social events with boundless energy and boosted self-esteem. Meet the experts behind the success: Martin and Marion Shirran are clinical therapists with nearly two decades of experience in the weight-loss field. They are the creators of the globally acclaimed Gastric Mind Band Permanent Weight-Loss Treatment. Sharon below lost 60 pounds on the programme.

My Brain Food Addiction

Their ground-breaking work has been featured in prominent newspapers such as the Daily Mail, The Times, The Telegraph, and the Express. Leading magazines like Vogue, Marie Claire, Good Housekeeping, and Reader’s Digest have also recognised their contributions. The Shirrans and several of their clients have also made television appearances on both sides of the Atlantic.

My Brain Food Addiction

Over a thousand individuals, including medical professionals, celebrities, and the general public, have travelled from around the world to experience their weight-loss treatment. Some sought to enhance their appearance, while others prioritised their health, successfully reversing medical conditions like insulin resistance, diabetes, high blood pressure, and fatty liver disease.

The My Weigh Less programme has undergone over fifteen years of research and development. Clients of various ages, from fourteen to eighty-six, have achieved remarkable results. Check out the many verified weight-loss success stories and before-and-after photos on this website.

Martin and Marion Shirran

So, are you ready to embark on your weight-loss journey? Martin and Marion Shirran, in the photo above, along with Oxford Therapeutics Ltd, have made their unique approach more accessible than ever. You can download their ‘My Weigh Less Master Class’ to your phone, tablet, or desktop computer today. You can complete the entire twelve-session course from the comfort of your own home. My Brain Food Addiction

Experience the ‘My Weigh Less’ downloadable treatment, a medically endorsed, proven weight-loss approach backed by over 15,000 hours of clinical treatment. Say goodbye to dieting struggles and hello to permanent results.

Begin your weight-loss journey today. Discover how a psychology-focused weight-loss method that works will ensure you finally reach your goals. Visit the ‘Buy Now’ page to start your transformation.

Permanent Weight Loss
– No Diet or Exercise Required –
– Medically Endorsed –
– 15,000 1:1 Clinical Hours Experience –
– Fully Downloadable –
– Featured in Global Media –
– Award-Winning Programme –

Marion Shirran, as a director of Oxford Therapeutics Limited, is proud to be a registered Stakeholder in NICE – National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. Additionally, she is involved in the government’s All-Party Parliamentary Group on Obesity.

My weigh Less

We were proud to be nominated for the ‘Most Innovative Obesity Psychological Therapy Service’ in the UK Mental Health Awards 2022.

Mental Health Awards 2022 "Most Innovative Obesity Psychological Therapy Service"

We also appeared on the This Morning TV show with Holly Willoughby and Phillip Schofield.

Holly and Phil interviewed Martin and Marion Shirran

In 2010, we travelled to New York to be interviewed on the Good Morning America TV Show.

Good Morning America

We are also co-authors of two bestselling books on the topic of non-surgical weight loss, published by Hay House.

Martin and Marion Shirran
weight loss course

You can read a full breakdown of all the components included in the treatment package on the Course Details page. There is also an explanation of the treatment on the Does This Work? page. We look forward to working with you. Additionally, you can read reviews from medical and other professionals on the Medical Endorsement page.

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My Weigh Less®/ and all associated intellectual property rights are the property of Oxford Therapeutics Limited, a company registered in London.

Oxford Therapeutics Ltd

You can read additional information about us and our weight-loss treatment on the Gastric Mind Band website.

Although the weight-loss results and success stories shown on the site are typical, individual results will vary and are not guaranteed. Weight-loss success depends on each individual’s level of motivation, commitment, food intake and metabolism. Read our full disclaimer in the Terms & Conditions.

My Brain Food Addiction

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