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Best Way For Wheelchair Users To Lose Weight

best way for wheelchair users to lose weight

Best Way For Wheelchair Users to Lose Weight

So the question asked was: What is The Best Way For Wheelchair Users To Lose Weight? Is weight loss for wheelchair users more difficult to achieve? The good news is that if you are a wheelchair user, you can lose your excess weight in exactly the same way as anybody else.

Best way for wheelchair users to lose weight

The fact is, It really does not matter if a person has a disability or not; the approach to achieving Permanent Weight Loss is the same. The only criteria required for a successful outcome is having the desire, along with a strong motivation to succeed. So, weight loss for those with disabilities is always achievable. Our proven approach to weight loss is not linked to any exercise or diet regimes; it is totally psychological.

weight loss for wheelchairs users

How a Wheelchair User can Lose Weight

I think it would be patronising to readers of this page to detail just why a wheelchair user is more prone to weight gain than a person without disabilities. You know all the issues: like others, you are just looking for a proven solution. Marion and I have worked in the weight loss arena for over 15 years. We have treated over a thousand clients from around the world and accumulated over 15,000 hours of 1:1 treatment time. I was one of the first verified case studies, as you can see below. I lost over 80 pounds. Visit My Weigh Less website for more info.

Best way for wheelchair users to lose weight

Please don’t make the mistake of thinking that people can only lose weight by doing a lot of exercise. Extensive research and studies have all found that exercise is definitely not the key component in achieving successful weight loss. Instead, it has far more to do with what you are eating than how much you are moving. Good news for wheelchair users! Please also read our blog post: “Losing Weight Without Exercise”

Best way for wheelchair users to lose weight

Best Way For Wheelchair Users to Lose Weight

We believe that one of the reasons our programme has proven so popular is the fact that it’s completely downloadable. Clients can complete the course at home on any device they wish: mobile phone, tablet, or desktop computer. There are no meetings to attend and no embarrassing communal weigh-ins. Our weight loss solution is non-surgical and does not involve exercise. The treatment profile is based on psychology, and it provides each client with a polarised, weight-loss experience that works.

Psychology is the Key

So, how does this treatment work? Basically, over twelve one-hour sessions, we will strive to permanently change your relationship with food. A big claim, yes it is, but one based on an awful lot of experience. Our youngest client was just fourteen years of age; our oldest was eighty-six. Some wanted to lose just a few pounds to get into their wedding dress. Others, like Sarah Hart, below, who has appeared on TV around the world, went on to lose an incredible 140 pounds, half her body weight.

downloadable weight loss course

How Does It Work?

Best Way For Wheelchair Users to Lose Weight

So what do we do? We do a Psychological Reset. You see, it’s a fact that no child is born obese; eating for reasons other than hunger is a learned behaviour. We will ask you if you eat when you are bored, upset, lonely, angry, depressed, tired, anxious, in secret, watching TV, or maybe to please someone else. Then, we help you change your mindset. After the treatment, you will eat when you are physically hungry and stop when you are not. Visit Obesity and Weight Loss for additional information.

Psychological Reset

OK, let me give you a very brief example of what we do with a psychological reset. During the treatment, we will use a number of approaches, including Clinical Hypnotherapy/neuroplasticity. We will, in effect, program your brain around two words, Want and Need. The result will be that when you hear the word Want, without having to think about it, you will, at a cognitive level, hear the word Need.

Best way for wheelchair users to lose weight

Want or Need

The result is that you are sitting in a restaurant with friends, and you order a burger; the waiter says, do you want fries with that – you hear, do you need fries with that? Later, someone says to you do you want another glass of wine? You hear, do you need another glass of wine…On a cognitive level, we handle those words differently; the effect for many is game-changing.

Weight Loss For Wheelchair Users

As you can read on the pages of the dedicated website, the treatment is based on the most scientifically researched therapy in the world, Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT). However, early in the development phase, we became aware that in the arena of weight loss, an upgrade of CBT would be beneficial. We went on to develop an enhanced version of CBT called TCBT. Our published work on the therapy has gained endorsements by Professor Windy Dryden of Goldsmiths University, London, and Professor Philip Zimbardo of Stanford University in San Francisco.

Best way for wheelchair users to lose weight

How To Lose Weight Fast

How to lose weight fast is a very common search phrase with search engines. In all honesty, people ask us the same question all the time, regardless of whether someone is a wheelchair user or not. The My Weigh Less treatment will deliver a weight loss of around two pounds per week. It is true that in the first few weeks, the weight loss may be slightly higher, but it will normally level out over a few months at an average of two pounds per week. This is a safe and, more importantly, sustainable rate.

Best way for wheelchair users to lose weight

Best Way For Wheelchair Users to Lose Weight

But Does It Work?

It is the most important question of all. On the website, we have a dedicated Does It Work? page, which we hope you will find both interesting and informative. Additionally, you will find a link to the ‘Medical Professionals page. This includes an endorsement of the effectiveness of the treatment by an NHS Consultant Surgeon and other medical professionals.

Best way for wheelchair users to lose weight

Above is a brief breakdown of the components of the program. On the Course Details Page, you can view a fully detailed inventory of just what is included in the treatment package. We have a blog post that may be of interest: Best Online Weight Loss Programme.

Best way for wheelchair users to lose weight. Psychologies featured Martin and Marion Shirran.

You Can Achieve Your Desired Weight Loss…

We continue to be both disappointed and surprised by the lack of imagination and thought given to the wheelchair users amongst us, who need just as much, possibly even more, support with their diet and weight loss aspirations as those without disabilities. Weight loss for persons with disabilities is no different than for those without disabilities, and in our experience, just as important on a range of levels.


Achieving Permanent Weight Loss for Wheelchair Users. In our quest to find the best way for wheelchair users to lose weight, we’ve uncovered a fundamental truth: the journey to permanent weight loss is universal, regardless of physical abilities. Weight loss is not confined to exercise or dietary restrictions; it’s deeply rooted in psychology, motivation, and mindset.

The belief that individuals with disabilities face unique challenges in losing weight can be dispelled. Marion and I, with over 15 years of experience, have successfully treated countless clients from all over the world, accumulating over 15,000 hours of one-on-one treatment. Our approach has proven effective for a wide range of individuals, including those with mobility impairments.

We firmly assert that exercise is not the linchpin of successful weight loss. Instead, it’s about understanding and transforming your relationship with food. It’s about distinguishing between eating out of physical hunger and eating for emotional reasons—whether due to boredom, stress, loneliness, or other triggers.

Our program, fully downloadable and accessible on various devices, seeks to instigate a profound psychological reset. Through methods like Clinical Hypnotherapy and neuroplasticity, we rewire your brain’s response to words like “want” and “need.” This shift in mindset empowers you to make healthier choices effortlessly.

Permanent weight loss is attainable for wheelchair users and everyone alike. It’s about unlocking the power of psychology, understanding your triggers, and redefining your relationship with food. Our clients have ranged from teenagers to octogenarians, all achieving remarkable results.

In the end, the best way for wheelchair users to lose weight is rooted in the understanding that change begins within the mind. It’s about reshaping your thoughts, wants, and needs to embrace a healthier, more fulfilling lifestyle that you can sustain for a lifetime.

Holly and Phil featured the Shirrans and their weight loss treatment

Marion and I are both proud to have been invited to New York to appear on a TV special about our work on Good Morning America. In 2019, we appeared on the This Morning TV Show with Philip Schofield and Holly Willoughby. Our work has been featured in literally hundreds of newspapers and magazines, including The Times and Vogue Magazine. Our Success Stories are here.

Best way for wheelchair users to lose weight

The Obesity Pandemic

It is a sad fact that our treatment provides a ‘Downstream’ fix to the global obesity problem. As is widely agreed, an ‘Upstream’ intervention is urgently required. Stopping people from initially gaining weight should be the direction we go, rather than helping them lose weight afterwards. This, of course, requires the involvement of both the Government and the major food producers on both sides of the Atlantic. Visit the Success Stories section to read about Ruby, the photo below, who lost over 50 pounds following the programme. Read about our work at Elite Clinics.

My Weigh Less weight loss course

Our Top Six FAQs

1. Is weight loss more challenging for wheelchair users, and what are the unique considerations they should be aware of when trying to lose weight?

Weight loss can be challenging for anyone, regardless of their physical abilities. For wheelchair users, it’s essential to consider factors like limited mobility and potential muscle atrophy. However, the principles of permanent weight loss remain the same: motivation, mindset, and a desire for change.

2. Are there specific challenges or barriers that wheelchair users face when embarking on a weight-loss journey, and how can these be addressed effectively?

Wheelchair users may face challenges related to mobility, accessibility, and self-image. To address these, our programme emphasises psychological interventions that empower individuals to overcome these barriers, redefine their relationship with food, and achieve lasting weight loss.

3. Can you explain the role of psychology in achieving permanent weight loss for wheelchair users, and how does it differ from conventional weight-loss approaches?

Psychology plays a pivotal role in permanent weight loss for wheelchair users. We help individuals identify and address emotional eating triggers, leading to transformative changes in behaviour. Unlike conventional approaches, our focus is not solely on diet and exercise but on understanding the psychology of eating.

4. How can wheelchair users access the downloadable weight loss programme mentioned in the article, and is it designed to cater to their specific needs?

Our fully downloadable weight-loss programme is accessible on various devices, ensuring convenience for wheelchair users. It is tailored to meet the needs of individuals with varying abilities, emphasising psychological resets and mindset shifts.

5. Can you provide more details on the treatment methods used, such as Clinical Hypnotherapy and neuroplasticity, and how they help wheelchair users achieve lasting weight loss?

Clinical Hypnotherapy and neuroplasticity are used to reprogramme the brain’s response to food-related cues. For example, they help individuals automatically hear “need” instead of “want,” leading to more mindful and healthier eating habits. These techniques have proven effective in achieving lasting weight loss for wheelchair users.

2. What makes the approach to permanent weight loss different for wheelchair users compared to others?

The difference lies in the recognition of unique challenges, such as limited physical activity options. The key to success is shifting the focus from exercise to understanding emotional eating triggers and transforming one’s relationship with food.

You can download a free, 20-minute MP3 introduction right now. No email or credit card details are required; just a few minutes of your time. Find out how My Weigh Less can help you reach your weight-loss goals.

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My Weigh Less Delivers

Permanent Weight Loss
– No Diet or Exercise Required –
– Medically Endorsed –
– 15,000 1:1 Clinical Hours Experience –
– Fully Downloadable –
– Featured in Global Media –
– Award-Winning Programme –

We look Forward To Helping You

Martin and Marion both hold Diplomas in Clinical Hypnotherapy and are certified and registered with the American Board and the British Institute of Hypnotherapy. They are both also registered in the UK with the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council.

Members of CNHC

During 2005, Martin did further training. As a result, he gained a primary certificate in R.E.B.T. /CBT at Birmingham University, School of Psychology. He is also a member of the United Kingdom Society for Behavioural Medicine and the International Hypnosis Research Institute. Additionally, in 2018, Martin attended the Post Graduate Training in London with Dr. Nightingale. This focused on the proven treatment of Dementia using Clinical Hypnotherapy. Welcome to My Weigh Less.

My Weigh Less

Non-Surgical Weight Loss – Weight Loss For Disabled

My Weigh Less/ and all associated intellectual property rights are the property of Oxford Therapeutics Limited, a company registered in London. Marion and Martin Shirran are joint directors.

Online Non Surgical Weight Loss My Weigh Less
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Although the weight loss results and success stories shown on the site are typical, individual results will vary and are not guaranteed. Weight loss success depends on each individual’s level of motivation, commitment, food intake and metabolism.

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