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Fast Pre-Surgery Weight Loss

Downloadable Weight-Loss Treatment

The No Diet, Diet.’

Fast Pre Surgery Weight loss

Fast Pre-Surgery Weight Loss

Fast Pre Surgery Weight loss

So, you’re going to have an operation….

Regardless of which surgical procedure you’re about to have, there will be specific preparations beforehand. For instance, if you are overweight, your doctor or surgeon will probably recommend that you follow a diet/weight-loss programme pre-surgery. And, of course, there are multiple reasons why it’s beneficial to lose weight before an operation.

Fast Pre Surgery Weight loss

Embarking on any surgical procedure when overweight poses inherent risks that extend beyond the operating table. Individuals with excess weight often face higher surgical complications, including increased anaesthesia risks, blood clotting issues, and a heightened likelihood of infections. Additionally, the recovery process can be more challenging, potentially leading to extended hospital stays and delayed return to regular activities. On the flip side, opting for pre-surgery weight loss brings a myriad of benefits. Shedding excess pounds prior to surgery not only mitigates potential risks but also enhances the overall success and safety of the procedure.

Pre-surgery weight loss allows for better anaesthesia administration, reduces strain on vital organs, and promotes improved blood flow, laying a foundation for a smoother surgical experience. Furthermore, pre-surgery weight loss contributes to a more favourable postoperative recovery, fostering quicker healing and reducing the risk of complications. In essence, the benefits of shedding weight before surgery extend far beyond the aesthetic, playing a crucial role in ensuring a safer and more effective surgical outcome.

Best to lose weight ahead of surgery

Benefits of Weight Loss Before an Operation

During any pre-op consultations, your surgeon will explain everything about your procedure. He or she may also advise you to lose some weight in advance of your operation. But why? Well, for all the reasons outlined above, additionally medical insurance companies are also keen to promote pre-surgery weight loss to reduce their potential financial costs. Basically, they want you in and out just as quickly and smoothly as possible.

Anyone opting for weight-loss surgery, either Gastric Band, Bypass, or Sleeve, will need to follow a special diet in the weeks before their surgery. The diet, if followed correctly, will achieve two objectives. Firstly, the patient will lose weight before their operation, which is always beneficial. In addition, it will dramatically shrink the size of their liver, which is likely to be unhealthily large and fatty. One of the main benefits of shrinking the liver is that it lies in front of the stomach, so the surgeon needs to hold it back out of the way to carry out the procedure safely. We also have a dedicated page: “5 Reasons to Try a Diet Before Weight-Loss Surgery.”

Fast Pre-Surgery Weight loss

Losing weight ahead of Orthopaedic Surgery

We have a dedicated web page on this site explaining why it’s beneficial to lose weight before undertaking any orthopaedic operation. You can visit it here. We are pleased that clients are often referred to us by their orthopaedic surgeons from around the world when they need help to lose excess weight before their operation. Most people are generally aware of the benefits of pre-surgery weight loss, especially before orthopaedic surgery. For instance, the reduction in recovery time and risk of wound infection can be dramatic.

Whilst maintaining any weight loss achieved should be viewed in a positive light, its importance is particularly elevated following orthopaedic operations. It is a sad fact, but many patients facing orthopaedic surgery are overweight, often as a result of a lack of mobility, possibly caused by the level of pain being experienced. But, maintaining the weight loss following both hip and knee replacement operations is vital to the long-term success of the procedure. You may also like to read our blog post “How to Lose Weight Fast.”

lose weight before surgery

Fast Pre-Surgery Weight loss

The lack of general mobility post-surgery is often a significant factor in weight gain. A study published in the University of Delaware journal “Osteoarthritis & Cartilage” stated that 66 per cent of patients gain about 14 pounds within two years of surgery. This added weight applies pressure on the recovering hip/knee, increasing the likelihood of re-injuring it or hurting the healthy knee or hip. This is why it is so vital for patients’ long-term health to balance their nutritional intake, adopt healthy eating habits, and remain active after orthopaedic surgery.

If you Google Pre-Cardiac Surgery Diet, you will find yourself overwhelmed with options. The Scared Heart Diet, The 3-Day Cardiac Diet, or The Twelve Day Heart Foundation Diet, are just three options. Of course, they all set out to deliver the same result: Pre-Surgery Weight Loss. Heart surgery is one of the most critical types of operations that can be carried out on the human body. To provide the optimum conditions for a successful procedure and outcome, preoperative and postoperative guidelines must be observed. One of those guidelines pertains to the patient’s diet. You may also like to read another of our blog posts, “How to achieve fast weight loss.”

fast pre-surgery weight loss

So, you accept that it is in your interest to lose some weight before your operation. But what are your options? As you probably know, deciding which dieting approach to go for can be daunting. You can choose a Low-Fat, low-carb, Meal Replacement, Soup Diet, or maybe try the Atkins or South Beach Diet. The selection is never-ending. The title of this page suggested fast pre-surgery weight loss. However, as Weight-Loss Specialists, we certainly don’t advocate a “quick fix” option. Having any operation puts stress on the body. So, it’s essential to make sure that you are well-nourished before your procedure to help reduce the recovery time afterwards.

It can be extremely unhealthy to lose weight too quickly at any time. But this is especially so, just before an operation. A review of several studies concluded that people who achieve really drastic weight loss via meal replacement diets before an operation don’t have any fewer complications than obese patients who don’t lose any weight pre-surgery. Maybe this is because extreme dieters can end up suffering from malnutrition, which will affect their immune system during the recovery period. So, our advice is to choose a dieting method that provides steady, healthy and sustainable weight loss, both before and after surgery. Read the pages of this site for additional information.

Fast Pre-Surgery Weight loss

In Conclusion

In conclusion, preparing for any surgery involves more than just the procedural aspects; it requires a holistic approach to ensure the best possible outcome. The risks associated with undergoing surgery while overweight are significant, from heightened complications during the procedure to extended recovery times. On the contrary, embracing pre-surgery weight loss offers a multitude of benefits, such as minimising anaesthesia risks, reducing strain on vital organs, and fostering improved blood flow for a safer surgical experience.

Whether you’re considering weight-loss surgery, orthopaedic surgery, or cardiac surgery, shedding excess pounds before the operation will be advantageous. It not only aids in achieving a healthier weight but also addresses specific concerns related to each type of surgery. From shrinking the liver for weight-loss surgery to reducing the risk of wound infection in orthopaedic cases, the advantages of pre-surgery weight loss are undeniable.

Fast Pre-Surgery Weight loss

For those undertaking orthopaedic surgery, maintaining weight loss post-surgery is crucial for long-term success. The correlation between mobility, weight gain, and the likelihood of reinjury emphasises the importance of adopting healthy habits and staying active after the procedure.

In the realm of cardiac surgery, adhering to a preoperative diet is crucial for creating optimal conditions for a successful procedure. Various diets may be considered, but the emphasis lies in choosing a method that promotes steady, healthy, and sustainable weight loss.

Fast Pre-Surgery Weight loss

While the temptation of a quick fix may arise, it’s crucial to approach both pre and post-surgery weight loss with a focus on long-term health. Extreme dieting methods, especially right before an operation, can lead to malnutrition and compromise the immune system during recovery. Therefore, the key is to choose a dieting approach that ensures steady, healthy, and sustainable weight loss both before and after the operation, contributing to an overall positive surgical experience and recovery.

Fast Pre-Surgery Weight loss

Our Top FAQs

FAQ 1. Why is pre-surgery weight loss recommended?

Answer: Pre-surgery weight loss is recommended for several reasons. Individuals with excess weight face higher risks during surgery, including complications with anaesthesia, blood clotting issues, and greater susceptibility to infections. Shedding pounds before surgery not only mitigates these risks but also enhances the overall success and safety of the procedure. It allows for better anaesthesia administration, reduces strain on vital organs, and promotes improved blood flow, creating a foundation for a smoother surgical experience and recovery. Fast Pre-Surgery Weight loss.

FAQ 2. What are the specific benefits of losing weight before weight-loss surgery?

Answer: Weight-loss surgery, whether Gastric Band, Bypass, or Sleeve, often requires patients to follow a special diet in the weeks leading up to the procedure. This diet serves two primary purposes: aiding in weight loss before the operation and shrinking the size of the liver. Shrinking the liver is crucial as it lies in front of the stomach, and reducing its size allows the surgeon to carry out the procedure more safely. Additionally, pre-surgery weight loss can lead to a more effective and successful outcome.

FAQ 3. How does weight loss before orthopaedic surgery impact recovery?

Answer: Weight loss before orthopaedic surgery can have significant positive impacts on the recovery process. Patients who are overweight, often due to a lack of mobility caused by pain, may experience a reduction in recovery time and a lower risk of wound infection. Furthermore, maintaining weight loss following hip and knee replacement operations is vital for the long-term success of the procedure, as added weight can increase the likelihood of re-injury or harm to the recovering joint.

FAQ 4. Why is weight loss significant before cardiac surgery?

Answer: Preoperative weight loss is essential before cardiac surgery to create optimal conditions for a successful procedure and outcome. Various pre-cardiac surgery diets, such as the Scared Heart Diet or the 3-Day Cardiac Diet, aim to achieve pre-surgery weight loss. Heart surgery is a critical operation, and adhering to preoperative and postoperative guidelines, including dietary recommendations, is crucial for the patient’s overall well-being and the success of the procedure.

FAQ 5. Are there specific pre-surgery diets recommended for fast weight loss?

Answer: While various pre-surgery diets are available, the focus should not be on achieving rapid weight loss. Extreme dieting just before an operation can lead to malnutrition, affecting the immune system during the recovery period. The emphasis should be on choosing a well-balanced and sustainable dieting approach that promotes steady and healthy weight loss, ensuring the body is well-nourished before the procedure.

FAQ 6. How does pre-surgery weight loss affect the recovery time after an operation?

Answer: Pre-surgery weight loss can positively impact recovery time after an operation. By reducing excess weight, the strain on the body is diminished, allowing for a smoother recovery process. Additionally, better blood flow and reduced stress on vital organs contribute to an overall faster and more efficient recovery. Fast Pre-Surgery Weight loss.

FAQ 7. Can pre-surgery weight loss reduce the risk of complications during the procedure?

Answer: Yes, pre-surgery weight loss has the potential to reduce the risk of complications during the procedure. Excess weight can contribute to complications such as increased anaesthesia risks, blood clotting issues, and a higher likelihood of infections. Shedding pounds before surgery creates a more favourable environment for the surgical team, minimizing these potential complications.

FAQ 8. Is it necessary to follow a specific diet before any surgical procedure?

Answer: While there isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer, many surgeons recommend specific diets before surgery to ensure patients are in the best possible condition. These diets may vary depending on the type of surgery, but the common goal is to promote a healthy weight, reduce strain on the body, and create optimal conditions for a successful procedure. Patients should consult with their healthcare providers to determine the most suitable pre-surgery dietary approach for their specific case.

Are you tired of trying an endless list of diets that just don’t work? Frustrated with the constant cycle of losing and regaining weight? Are you looking for a medically endorsed solution, one based on thousands of hours of clinical experience?  Maybe something that doesn’t involve following a restrictive diet, doing lots of exercise, or having invasive surgery…? So, go ahead, relax, and take a few minutes to daydream… What would it be like to be slim and healthy, to be at your target weight? Can you imagine if you never had to go on a diet again or be afraid of food? What if you were able to enjoy every social event with the fantastic feeling of extra energy and improved self-esteem? Welcome to My Weigh Less Master Class – The Gold Standard in Permanent Weight Loss.

Fast Pre-Surgery Weight loss

Read on to find out about our award-winning solution! But first, allow us to introduce ourselves. We are Martin and Marion Shirran, and we have worked in the field of weight loss for almost 20 years. We are both clinical therapists and the developers of the globally acclaimed Gastric Mind Band Permanent Weight-Loss Treatment. Articles about our treatment and successful clients have appeared in the global media, including The Times, The Telegraph and the Express. Additionally, magazines such as Vogue, Marie Claire, Good Housekeeping, Hello, Woman, Reader’s Digest and Psychologies have featured our work, as have TV shows around the world.

MWL effortlessly delivers the dieter into the eye of the dieting storm. On a psychological level, it delivers a profound and excitingly new approach to the introduction of change in a person’s life. The treatment allows participants to seamlessly overcome their negative issues around food and eating in general, resulting in them being able to make the connection between weight loss and wellness.

Fast Pre-Surgery Weight loss

Fast Pre-Surgery Weight loss

During the twelve one-hour sessions that make up the programme, dieters learn about aspects of obesity and weight loss that they may have never associated as being connected. The programme has been built around a combination of empirically proven interventions. These include TactileCBT, Cognitive Behaviour Therapy and Neuro-Linguistic Programming, as well as Clinical Hypnotherapy. The treatment is designed to connect your mind with your body, delivering a simple, clean connection between Weight Loss and Wellness.

Fast Pre-Surgery Weight loss

Over a thousand people travelled from around the world to experience our weight-loss treatment. Our clients include celebrities, members of the public and medical professionals, including doctors, dentists, nurses, anaesthetists and consultant surgeons. Some clients simply want to shed their excess weight to look better. However, others tell us that health is the main reason. Many of our past clients have successfully reversed medical conditions such as insulin resistance, diabetes, high blood pressure, and fatty liver disease, whereas others have managed to avoid having knee or hip replacement surgery. You may like to read more details on our Medical Endorsements page.

Fast Pre-Surgery Weight loss

Our weight-loss approach has been the subject of continued research and development over the last thirteen years. Sharon, above, lost 75 pounds. Our youngest client was just fourteen, and the oldest was eighty-six. Some clients wished to lose just a few pounds to fit into their wedding dress. But others, like Sarah below, went on to lose over 140 pounds. As a result, she was featured globally on TV and in the press. Follow this link to sign up for our course now, and you can start your weight-loss journey today.

Sarah before and after losing weight

Fast Pre-Surgery Weight loss

Our psychology-focused weight loss programme provides a ‘Psychological Reset’ for those wishing to lose weight. The programme incorporates an updated version of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, TCBT, which is the subject of our bestselling book, published globally by Hay House. Professor Windy Dryden of Goldsmiths University in London endorsed the book, and Professor Philip Zimbardo of Stanford University in the USA wrote the foreword. We also incorporate the latest developments around Neuroplasticity and Neuro-Linguistic Programming along with many other disciplines. One component of our psychology-focused weight loss programme provides a ‘Psychological Reset’. At this statement, ‘Psychological Reset,’ we have observed many people raising their eyebrows; see below.

Fast Pre-Surgery Weight loss

Let me give you a couple of examples: the programme will allow you to make a number of simple cognitive changes in your thought processes…small changes that deliver ‘massive results’. For example, think for a moment how different your relationship with food and weight loss would be if we re-programmed your subconscious mind to effortlessly replace the word “want” with the word “need”?

The result: imagine you are out having dinner with friends, ordering a burger. Instead of hearing the waiter asking: “Do you ‘want’ fries with that?” without thinking, you hear and automatically process the question as: “Do you ‘need’ fries with that?” Things would be very different, right? You see, at a cognitive level, we process those words differently. Later, maybe the waiter says, do you ‘want’ another glass of wine? You, of course, hear and cognitively process the word stream as do you ‘need’ another glass of wine. You can watch an animated video explaining ‘Want and Need’ and how it works at the bottom of this page.

Another ‘fix’ in the programme relates to just why people eat. So, during the programme, you will be asked when was the last time you ate in response to actual, physical hunger. Most people say: “Thinking about it, I haven’t been physically hungry for years”. And so we ask them: “Do you ever eat when you are bored, stressed, tired, lonely, depressed, sad, to reward yourself, when watching TV, or maybe just to please someone else?” Then, we do another reset, and so it goes on…

Martin and Marion Shirran

We have spent many months completely reformatting our unique, phenomenally successful approach to weight loss. As a result, the course is now instantly available to download to your phone, tablet, or computer. This also means that you can complete the entire course without having to leave the comfort and security of your own home. Welcome to the ‘My Weigh Less Master Class’!

Fast Pre-Surgery Weight loss

Read on the pages of this website how the award-winning ‘My Weigh Less’ downloadable treatment is successfully delivering what is surely ‘utopia’ to dieters: a medically endorsed, proven weight-loss approach that provides permanent results! The programme is also based on over 15,000 1:1 clinical treatment hours. My Weigh Less can help you reach your weight-loss goals.

Permanent Weight Loss
– No Diet or Exercise Required –
– Medically Endorsed –
– 15,000 1:1 Clinical Hours Experience –
– Fully Downloadable –
– Featured in Global Media –
– Award-Winning Programme –

We have over 100 blog posts on the site, covering many different topics. The blog page section is updated regularly; take a look by following this Blog Page Link.

Marion Shirran, as a director of Oxford Therapeutics Limited, is proud to be a registered Stakeholder in NICE – National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. Marion is also involved in the government’s All-Party Parliamentary Group on Obesity.

My weigh Less

We were proud to be awarded the ‘Most Innovative Obesity Psychological Therapy’ in the UK Mental Health Awards 2022.

Mental Health Awards 2022 "Most Innovative Obesity Psychological Therapy Service"

We also appeared on the This Morning TV show with Holly Willoughby and Phillip Schofield.

Holly and Phil interviewed Martin and Marion Shirran

In 2010, we travelled to New York to be interviewed on the Good Morning America TV Show.

Good Morning America

We are also co-authors of two bestselling books about non-surgical weight loss, published by Hay House.

Martin and Marion Shirran
weight loss course

You can read a full breakdown of all the components included in the treatment package on the Course Details page. There is also an explanation of the treatment on the Does This Work? page. We look forward to working with you. Additionally, you can read reviews from medical and other professionals on the Medical Endorsement page.

Watch the short animated ‘Want and Need Video’ below…

Click on the link below to listen to our short audio introduction to the weight-loss course.

Free Sample Download of My weigh Less

You can download the complete My Weigh Less course and start your weight-loss journey today.

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Downloadable Weight-Loss Treatment

My Weigh Less®/ and all associated intellectual property rights are the property of Oxford Therapeutics Limited, a company registered in London.

Oxford Therapeutics Limited with My Weigh Less

You can read additional information about us and our weight-loss treatment on the Gastric Mind Band website.

Although the weight-loss results and success stories shown on the site are typical, individual results will vary and are not guaranteed. Weight-loss success depends on each individual’s level of motivation, commitment, food intake and metabolism. Read our full disclaimer in the Terms & Conditions.

Fast Pre-Surgery Weight loss

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