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Best Online Weight-Loss Programme

The Medically Endorsed My Weigh Less

The No Diet, Diet.’

Can an Online Weight Loss Course Work

Award-Winning Online Weight-Loss Programme

Are you fed up with countless failed diets that promise the world but seldom deliver? Are you searching for a medically endorsed weight loss method backed by extensive in-clinic trials? Welcome to My Weigh Less, the downloadable weight-loss programme brought to you by Oxford Therapeutics Limited. Now, you can experience what has been described as ‘utopia’ in the weight-loss arena, where permanent weight loss has become a reality. Our programme boasts medical endorsements, a non-surgical approach, and seamless digital accessibility – no diets, strenuous workouts, or costly meal replacements required! The programme has been constructed over fifteen years, incorporating over 15,000 hours of 1:1 in-clinic treatment experience.

Imagine a life where you never have to diet again, where your relationship with food is completely transformed. Picture yourself relishing every social gathering and savouring a newfound vitality, self-confidence, and self-esteem. That dream, that transformation, can start just as soon as you are ready. The programme has helped clients from as young as fourteen to as old as eighty-six. Some clients wished to lose just a few pounds to fit into their wedding dress, whereas others wanted to lose considerably more.

Sarah Hart, in the photo below, lost an incredible 140 pounds following our treatment. As a result, she went on to appear globally on TV and in the press to talk about her journey. You can read a verified case study about Sarah and others in the Success Stories Section. If you’re interested to know just what the programme contains, please visit the Course Details Page. Sarah is just one of over a thousand people who travelled from around the world to complete their programme. Best online weight loss programme.

My Weigh Less

Best Online Weight Loss Programme

So, allow us to introduce ourselves. We are Martin and Marion Shirran, weight-loss specialists with two decades of experience. We are also the joint Clinical Directors of Oxford Therapeutics Ltd and the developers of the acclaimed Gastric Mind Band Permanent Weight-Loss Treatment. Now, after twelve months of continual refinement, we are proud to have developed My Weigh Less – an award-winning, downloadable version of our proven weight-loss programme. Our clients no longer need to travel around the world to see us, or spend thousands of pounds on our treatment; they can simply download the entire programme for a fraction of the cost.

For the first time, our programme is available for instant download to your phone, tablet, or desktop computer. This will allow you to complete the entire course without leaving the comfort and security of your own home; in fact, you can start today. The medically endorsed approach focuses on what is agreed to be the epicentre around the treatment of obesity: Psychology. Our approach has been recognised by renowned publications like Vogue, Marie Claire, Good Housekeeping and Psychologies Magazine. Academic interest in our work resulted in us being invited to present details of the programme at several European Universities alongside Professor Philip Zimbardo of Stanford University in the US.

Can an Online Weight Loss Course Work

Being overweight and having an unhealthy relationship with food is predominantly a psychological issue. It’s a learned behaviour because people are not born obese. People are rarely overweight because they are lazy or lacking in willpower. In the majority of cases, the issues around being overweight or obese go much deeper. As a result, they simply need a ‘Psychological Reset.’

A Psychological Reset – Fix for Obesity? Many people have initially questioned the statement. Let us explain: the programme will allow you to make a number of simple cognitive changes in your thought processes…small changes that deliver massive results. Let us give you an example: think for a moment how different your relationship with food and weight loss would be if we re-programmed your subconscious mind to effortlessly replace the word “want” with the word “need”? For example, imagine you are out having dinner with friends, and after ordering a burger, instead of hearing the waiter asking: “Do you want fries with that?” without thinking, you hear and automatically process the question as: “Do you need fries with that?” Things would be different, right? You see, at a cognitive level, we process those words differently. Later, maybe the waiter says, do you want another glass of wine? You, of course, hear and cognitively process the word stream as do you need another glass of wine. You can watch an animated video explaining ‘Want and Need’ and how it works at the bottom of this page.

Best Online Weight Loss Programme

Another ‘fix’ in the programme relates to just why people eat. So, during the programme, you will be asked when was the last time you ate in response to real, physical hunger. Most people say: “Thinking about it, I haven’t been physically hungry for years”. And so we ask them: “Do you ever eat when you are bored, stressed, tired, lonely, depressed, sad, to reward yourself, when watching TV, or maybe just to please someone else?” Then, we do another reset. You can read an overview of the My Weigh Less programme. You can, of course, experience the new, fully downloadable weight-loss course as soon as today.

Our approach incorporates many of the latest developments in psychology, including neuroplasticity and Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT), Clinical Hypnotherapy and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). It is also uniquely underpinned by our own Life Architecture Therapy, along with TCBT, our evolved version of CBT. Our book on the subject has been endorsed by Professor Windy Dryden of Goldsmiths University in London. The foreword was written by Professor Philip Zimbardo. The foreword of our other book was written by leading Cardiologist, Dr Graham Sceats.

My Weigh Less

Over the past few years, more than a thousand people, including medical professionals, celebrities, and members of the public, have travelled from around the world to experience our clinic-based weight-loss treatment. They came because we are regarded as specialists in the weight-loss arena. If you are wondering just why they travelled so far and valued the treatment so highly, then please take a look at the page on this site that explains exactly how and why the treatment works.

Although some clients simply want to shed their excess weight to look better, others tell us that their health is the main reason for seeking change. Many of our past clients have successfully reversed medical conditions such as insulin resistance, diabetes, high blood pressure, and fatty liver disease. Also, we are pleased that a growing number of surgeons are directing their patients to the programme to assist with pre-surgery weight-loss treatment ahead of hip or knee replacement surgery. Recently, we have become aware that an increasing number of clients are looking at My Weigh Less as a component of their regime regarding extending their active years, their ‘health span’. Health span vs life span is a ‘hot topic’ at the moment and a subject that we are actively incorporating into our programme. Take a look at the blog page ‘Reversing Obesity and Extending Your Life.’

So imagine sitting down with us for a few days, absorbing and learning from everything we have discovered over twenty years of helping people, probably just like yourself, to transform their lives. During the programme, we will share with you all the knowledge and expertise we have gained, all the little tricks and secrets to effortlessly ensure you reach your target weight. This is the My Weigh Less Master Class – your gateway to permanent weight loss. Our mission is simple: to help you achieve permanent weight loss. During our twelve hours together, we’ll guide, support, and empower you on your journey until you attain your desired goal. We believe that it is everyone’s birthright to be the weight that they desire. We hope you are excited!!!

A Medically Endorsed Weight-Loss Course That Works

The New Partner programme for doctors when prescribing GLP-1 receptor agonists. In the United States, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has mandated that these weight-loss medications be prescribed in conjunction with a behavioural change programme. Similarly, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) in the United Kingdom advocates a multifaceted approach to weight management. NICE recommends that weight-loss medications be integrated into a comprehensive weight management programme. These recommendations aim to ensure that patients not only lose weight but also adopt healthier lifestyle habits, which is crucial for maintaining their weight loss in the long term. Oxford Therapeutics Limited

My Weigh Less Hello Magazine

– Permanent Weight Loss
– No Diet or Exercise Required –
– Medically Endorsed –
– 15,000 1:1 Clinical Hours Experience –
– Fully Downloadable
– Award-Winning Treatment

My Weigh Less online weight loss course

Our Top FAQs

FAQ 1. What is My Weigh Less, and how is it different from other weight-loss programmes?

Answer. My Weigh Less is an award-winning online weight-loss programme brought to you by Oxford Therapeutics Limited. What sets it apart is its focus on psychology, a medically endorsed approach, and the absence of diets, strenuous workouts, or costly meal replacements. It offers a non-surgical, downloadable solution to achieve permanent weight loss. It is also based on 15,000 1:1 Clinical hours of experience.

FAQ 2. How does My Weigh Less work, and what is the core philosophy behind it?

Answer. My Weigh Less is a downloadable weight-loss course that focuses on the psychological aspects of weight loss. It helps individuals transform their relationship with food by making subtle changes in their thought processes. The programme is based on the philosophy that obesity is primarily a learned behaviour, not a result of laziness or lack of willpower.

FAQ 3. How does the psychological reset tool work, and what impact does it have on one’s relationship with food?

Answer. The psychological reset tool reprogrammes the subconscious mind. One example is its ability to replace, at a cognitive level, the word “want” with “need” in relation to food. This subtle cognitive shift leads individuals to make healthier choices effortlessly. It transforms the way food is perceived and encourages more mindful eating. Instead of “Do you want fries with that?, without thinking, you hear: “Do you need fries with that?” At a cognitive level, we react to those words very differently.

FAQ 4. What does the programme contain, and what are its components?

Answer. The course components are described in detail on this website. Basically, the course includes twelve audio sessions, each lasting around an hour, all recorded by Marion and Martin Shirran. The course also includes twelve White Board Explainer Videos, and several studio-produced relaxation and hypnotherapy audio files.

FAQ 5. Can anyone benefit from My Weigh Less, or is it suitable for specific demographics?

Answer. My Weigh Less is designed to benefit a wide range of individuals, regardless of age or gender. The programme has successfully helped clients as young as fourteen and as old as eighty-six. It caters to those who wish to lose a few pounds for special occasions, as well as those with health-related goals.

FAQ 6. How can I get started with My Weigh Less, and is it accessible from any device?

Answer. My Weigh Less is available for instant download to your phone, tablet, or desktop computer. You can start the programme from the comfort and privacy of your own home. It offers a convenient and flexible way to embark on your weight-loss journey.

FAQ 7. What makes My Weigh Less stand out among other weight-loss programmes, and how do I begin?

Answer. My Weigh Less stands out for its focus on psychology, medical endorsement, and proven results. To start your journey towards permanent weight loss, you can purchase and download the programme from the website. The goal is to shift your desire for a healthier, slimmer you from a dream to reality, and the journey can begin today.

Marion Shirran, as a director of Oxford Therapeutics Limited, is proud to be a registered Stakeholder in NICE – National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. Marion is also pleased to be involved in the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Obesity.

Downloadable weight loss course
My Weigh Less

Best Online Weight Loss Programme

The UK Mental Health Awards 2022 presented My Weigh Less with the ‘Most Innovative Obesity Psychological Therapy’ award.

Mental Health Awards 2022 "Most Innovative Obesity Psychological Therapy Service"

We were thrilled to appear on the This Morning TV show with Phillip Schofield and Holly Willoughby.

My Weigh Less 
Downloadable Weight Loss Treatment Holly and Phil

We also travelled to New York to appear on the ‘Good Morning America’ TV Show.

My Weigh Less
online weight loss course


Watch the short animated ‘Want and Need Video’ below…

Click on the link below to listen to our short audio introduction to the weight-loss course.

Downloadable weight loss treatment
My Weigh Less

You can download the complete course and start your weight-loss journey today.

Register Now for the My Weigh Less Course

Downloadable Weight-Loss Treatment

My Weigh Less®/ and all associated intellectual property rights are the property of Oxford Therapeutics Limited, a company registered in London.

Downloadable weight loss treatment
My Weigh Less

A Media Pack is available here.

You can read additional information about us and our weight-loss treatment on our Gastric Mind Band website.


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Although the weight-loss results and success stories shown on the site are typical, individual results will vary and are not guaranteed. Weight-loss success depends on each individual’s level of motivation, commitment, food intake and metabolism. Read our full disclaimer in the Terms & Conditions.

Best Online Weight Loss Programme

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