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Can We Change What We Eat, And How

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Can we change What We Eat

Can we change what we eat, and how? When it comes to making lifestyle changes, it’s different for everyone. For some, making changes to their diet to lose weight is easy. But for others, it’s very much harder. But why is that? And can those changes become permanent? So, just what makes it difficult, and how can I overcome those difficulties…? With a better understanding of the science of change, we hope to make it a little easier for you to introduce lasting changes in your life. So, can we change what we eat?

So can we change what we eat

The Science of Change. Have you ever resolved to lose weight or eat healthier, only to find yourself back at square one a few weeks later? If so, you’re not alone. Change can be hard, and sustaining healthy new behaviours around food can be even harder. One key principle of change is understanding that behaviours are just habits and nothing more; they’re automatic and often unconscious.

So can we change what we eat, and how? the science of change draws on research from a variety of disciplines, including psychology, psychiatry, and sociology. One principle of change is that it’s a process that occurs over time. People seldom wake up one day and decide to change their diets or stop smoking or drinking alcohol completely. Instead, change typically happens gradually as people experiment with new behaviours and gradually adopt those that are more conducive to their goals. So can we change, and how

Another principle of change that has been observed is that successfully introducing any change requires a certain amount of effort and motivation. People who can stick to their goals using willpower and motivation are typically those who are able to make lasting, permanent changes in their lives. Please also read our page about Ruby’s success story: “How to reset your relationship with food”

So can we change what we eat - My Weigh Less

The Model of Change

Change is hard but not impossible. Anyone who has ever tried to diet or lose weight can attest to that. But just why is change so difficult? We know that we need to change our diet for the sake of our health and our appearance: we have dreamed about it for months, so why is it so hard? In part, it’s because our brains are wired to resist it. Can We Change What We Eat.

The brain is an incredibly efficient machine, and it likes things to stay the same. When we try to change our habits, our brains perceive it as a threat and go into “resistance mode.” But there is hope! By understanding how the brain responds to change, we can develop strategies to help us overcome our resistance.

So, we know that making permanent changes in our lives can be difficult for several reasons. First, we often underestimate the power of habit. Even small, seemingly innocuous habits can be remarkably difficult to break. Second, we tend to be creatures of comfort, and change can be uncomfortable. This is especially true if the change requires us to step outside our comfort zone.

So can we change what we eat - My Weigh Less

Finally, we may have a fear of failure. We may be worried that we won’t be able to stick to the change or that we’ll make things worse. However, it’s important to remember that change is possible and that even small changes can have a big impact on our lives. With perseverance and a positive attitude, we can overcome the challenges of making permanent changes.

Many of us resolve to make changes in our lives around food, drink, and diet at different times. For some of us, it is at the start of a new year that we reflect on our lifestyles and decide that we would like to make some improvements. Often, our motivation is driven by a desire to improve our health or physical appearance.

So, let me give you the number one tip around change. I said at the beginning that Behaviours are no more than simple Habits. The problem with habits and changing them is that most, if not all, are held at an unconscious level. We are often not aware of our actions, almost completing them on auto-pilot. To change a habit, we need to convert it into conscious action, and then we can successfully tackle it.

So can we change what we eat - My Weigh Less

An example from a recent past client: one of Linda’s problems was that each day, she would call into the local garage on the way home and treat herself to a tube of Pringles and a bar of chocolate. She would then drive slowly to ensure that she had finished both of them before arriving home. She told me she always hid the wrappers to ensure that her husband never saw the evidence. Then she would sit down and eat a full dinner!!!

Interestingly, she told me that sometimes she didn’t even remember calling in the garage, buying or eating the snacks, at least not till afterwards. Linda said that by hiding the wrappers, she could almost convince herself that she had not eaten them.

Can We Change What We Eat

We knew that to help Linda lose weight, the issue had to be addressed, so we set out to convert it to a conscious habit instead. Linda was told to call the garage every night on her way home and buy her normal supplies. Then she had to drive home and sit outside the house in her car and eat her Pringles and Mars Bar, slowly and mindfully, instead of whilst she was driving.

So can we change what we eat - My Weigh Less

After ten days, she phoned and said she could not continue; she said it was taking too much of her time. She said the neighbours had started looking out of the window and watching her sitting in the car, stuffing a whole tube of Pringles down her throat every night. Also, now that she was eating the food slowly and mindfully, she was so full she could not face the evening meal with her family.

Another tactic sometimes used is to allow the client to carry on eating whatever the problem item is, but insert a rule that they first had to sit down and record details of the food in a small notebook and then review the book with a family member on a weekly basis. These may initially sound to you like small, insignificant changes, but they almost always work.

Permanent change always happens over time; you will, without a doubt, experience a number of lapses along the way, as everyone does. It’s vital that you are able to distinguish the difference between a relapse and a lapse; they are very different. A lapse is a temporary, small, almost unimportant stray from the route you wish to follow.

Can We Change What We Eat

Maybe, as an example, you go out to dinner with friends, and even though you had made a commitment to yourself not to have pizza, you give in when you see everyone else enjoying theirs. Can We Change What We Eat?

The Model of Change. Something else you need to understand is the model of change and what it looks like. The image below is the one that most people expect or maybe hope for; sadly, it is not even close to reality. So, can we change what we eat?

In all honesty, one pizza is not going to mess things up! It is just a lapse, so be aware of it and simply commit to being more ‘on track’ tomorrow. Below is an actual model of change compiled by a university in the States; it is what you are going to experience. You can see the four lapses: expect them and work out a strategy in advance to ensure you get back on track again as soon as possible.

Can We Change What We Eat

Introducing change in our diet can often be a challenge. As they say, old habits die hard! We will have developed certain eating and drinking habits over many years, and it can be tough to break out of them. Also, we live in a world where unhealthy food is freely available and often cheaper than healthy alternatives.

In conclusion, the journey to change what we eat and to making lasting improvements to our dietary habits is indeed challenging, but it is undeniably achievable. The science of change sheds light on the complex process of behaviour transformation. One fundamental principle to understand, as already mentioned, is that behaviours, including our eating habits, are essentially just habits that often operate automatically and unconsciously. This automaticity can make altering them a formidable task, as seen in Linda’s story, where even seemingly minor habits can have a significant impact on our health and weight.

Recognizing that behaviours are habits provides a valuable insight into the power of habit and how to overcome its resistance. To initiate a change, it is vital to shift these habits from unconscious actions to conscious choices. Take Linda’s example of mindfully eating her favourite snacks outside her home or the practice of documenting food consumption in a small notebook. These seemingly minor adjustments, once made consciously, can result in significant progress.

So can we change what we eat - My Weigh Less

The journey towards change is not a linear path; it is better represented by the ‘Model of Change.’ Understand that lapses are a part of the process, and distinguishing between a lapse and a relapse is crucial. Lapses are temporary, minor deviations from your desired path and should not deter you from your goals. Recognize them, acknowledge them, and commit to getting back on track, as one lapse does not define your overall progress.

Making changes in our diet can be daunting, particularly when we’ve formed long-standing, less healthy eating habits. We live in a world where unhealthy food is often more accessible and affordable than nutritious alternatives, adding an additional layer of challenge. However, with the right strategies, awareness, and perseverance, change is entirely feasible.

In the end, understanding the science of change and the power of habit can empower us to embark on a journey to better health and well-being. While it may not be easy, the effort invested in making these lasting dietary changes is undoubtedly worth the long-term benefits they bring. So, can we change what we eat? The resounding answer is yes; with the right approach, change is not only possible but also transformative.

So can we change what we eat - My Weigh Less

Our award-winning weight-loss treatment is completely Psychology-focused. It revolves around an enhanced version of CBT that was developed over ten years at our own clinic, resulting in the treatment we provide being 100 per cent exclusive. Read on the pages of this website a number of verified case studies and media reviews.

How to change what you eat

FAQ 1: Can we truly change our dietary habits for the better, and why do some find it harder than others?

Answer: Yes, changing dietary habits is possible, but the degree of difficulty varies from person to person. The reason lies in the power of habits and their automatic, often unconscious nature. Changing habits, particularly around food, requires a comprehensive understanding of how habits work and the individual’s motivation and willpower.

FAQ 2: What scientific disciplines contribute to the understanding of behavioural change, especially in the context of eating habits?

Answer: The science of change draws from psychology, psychiatry, sociology, and other fields. These disciplines offer insights into why and how people adopt new behaviours and gradually make them a part of their lives. Can We Change What We Eat.

FAQ 3: Why does successful change take time, and what’s the significance of gradual progress in making dietary improvements?

Answer: Change is a process that unfolds over time. Unlike sudden and radical shifts, lasting change typically occurs incrementally as individuals experiment with new behaviours and gradually incorporate those that align with their goals. This gradual approach increases the likelihood of permanent change.

FAQ 4: What role do effort and motivation play in the success of introducing dietary changes?

Answer: Effort and motivation are pivotal in any change process. People who sustain their commitment using willpower and motivation are generally the ones who successfully make permanent changes in their lives, including dietary habits.

FAQ 5: Why does change, especially in the realm of diet, often seem so difficult and meet resistance from our brains?

Answer: Change is challenging due to our brain’s preference for the status quo. The brain favours stability, and when we attempt to alter our habits, it interprets this as a threat and enters a state of resistance. Understanding this resistance is the first step in overcoming it.

FAQ 6: What are the primary reasons why making permanent changes in our lives can be difficult, and how can we address these challenges?

Answer: Several factors make lasting change challenging, such as underestimating the power of habit, the comfort of our routines, and the fear of failure. To address these challenges, one must recognize the influence of habit, embrace discomfort as part of change, and maintain a positive attitude and perseverance.

FAQ 7: How can we convert unconscious habits into conscious actions to facilitate change in our dietary choices?

Answer: Transforming unconscious habits into conscious actions is a key strategy for change. For example, mindfully consuming snacks in a deliberate setting, as opposed to unconsciously eating while distracted, can be a powerful method. Documenting food consumption and involving family members in reviewing these records is another effective tactic.

FAQ 8: What is the significance of distinguishing between lapses and relapses in the journey of change, and how can we manage these setbacks?

Answer: Recognizing the difference between a lapse and a relapse is essential. Lapses are minor, temporary deviations from the desired path and should not be seen as failures. They are part of the change process. Having strategies in place to quickly return to the intended path after a lapse is vital for progress. Understanding this distinction empowers individuals to persist in their efforts toward lasting dietary changes.

Tired of Failed Diets? Discover a Proven Weight-Loss Solution!

Are you tired of trying countless diets that never seem to work? Frustrated with the constant cycle of losing and regaining weight? What if a medically endorsed solution was rooted in thousands of hours of clinical experience? One that didn’t involve restrictive diets, excessive exercise, or invasive surgeries? Sarah Hart, below, featured on UK television, lost an incredible 140 pounds. Can We Change What We Eat.

Can We Change What We Eat

A Psychological Approach to Sustainable Weight Loss

Consider a new psychological approach to weight loss, where you effortlessly learn to eat when you’re genuinely hungry rather than relying on emotions like tiredness, sadness, loneliness, stress or depression to dictate your eating habits. You can complete the whole My Weigh Less Master Class from the comfort of your own home. The course includes a PDF forensic questionnaire, 12 audio MP3 sessions, nine different hypnosis sessions and much more. For more information, you can read our Course Details page.

Picture yourself as a healthier, slimmer version of yourself, free from dieting fears and able to enjoy social events with boundless energy and boosted self-esteem. Meet the experts behind the success: Martin and Marion Shirran are clinical therapists with nearly two decades of experience in the weight-loss field. They are the creators of the globally acclaimed Gastric Mind Band Permanent Weight-Loss Treatment. Sharon below lost 60 pounds on the programme.

Can We Change What We Eat

Their ground-breaking work has been featured in prominent newspapers such as the Daily Mail, The Times, The Telegraph, and the Express. Leading magazines like Vogue, Marie Claire, Good Housekeeping, and Reader’s Digest have also recognised their contributions. The Shirrans and several of their clients have also made television appearances on both sides of the Atlantic.

Can We Change What We Eat

Over a thousand individuals, including medical professionals, celebrities, and the general public, have travelled from around the world to experience their weight-loss treatment. Some sought to enhance their appearance, while others prioritised their health, successfully reversing medical conditions like insulin resistance, diabetes, high blood pressure, and fatty liver disease.

The My Weigh Less programme has undergone over fifteen years of research and development. Clients of various ages, from fourteen to eighty-six, have achieved remarkable results. Check out the many verified weight-loss success stories and before-and-after photos on this website.

Martin and Marion Shirran - Can We Change What We Eat

So are you ready to embark on your weight-loss journey? Martin and Marion Shirran, in the photo above, along with Oxford Therapeutics Ltd, have made their unique approach more accessible than ever. You can download their ‘My Weigh Less Master Class’ to your phone, tablet, or desktop computer today. You can complete the entire twelve-session course from the comfort of your own home.

Experience the ‘My Weigh Less’ downloadable treatment, a medically endorsed, proven weight-loss approach backed by over 15,000 hours of clinical treatment. Say goodbye to dieting struggles and hello to permanent results.

Begin your weight-loss journey today. Discover how a psychology-focused weight-loss method that works will ensure you finally reach your goals. Visit the ‘Buy Now’ page to start your transformation.

Permanent Weight Loss
– No Diet or Exercise Required –
– Medically Endorsed –
– 15,000 1:1 Clinical Hours Experience –
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– Featured in Global Media –
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Can We Change What We Eat

Marion Shirran, as a director of Oxford Therapeutics Limited, is proud to be a registered Stakeholder in NICE – National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. Additionally, she is involved in the government’s All-Party Parliamentary Group on Obesity.

My weigh Less

We were proud to be nominated for the ‘Most Innovative Obesity Psychological Therapy Service’ in the UK Mental Health Awards 2022.

Mental Health Awards 2022 "Most Innovative Obesity Psychological Therapy Service"

We also appeared on the This Morning TV show with Holly Willoughby and Phillip Schofield.

Holly and Phil interviewed Martin and Marion Shirran

In 2010, we travelled to New York to be interviewed on the Good Morning America TV Show.

Good Morning America

We are also co-authors of two bestselling books on the topic of non-surgical weight loss, published by Hay House.

Martin and Marion Shirran
weight loss course

You can read a full breakdown of all the components included in the treatment package on the Course Details page. There is also an explanation of the treatment on the Does This Work? page. We look forward to working with you. Additionally, you can read reviews from medical and other professionals on the Medical Endorsement page.

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Watch the short animated ‘Want and Need Video’ below…

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My Weigh Less®/ and all associated intellectual property rights are the property of Oxford Therapeutics Limited, a company registered in London.

Oxford Therapeutics Ltd

You can read additional information about us and our weight-loss treatment on the Gastric Mind Band website.

Although the weight-loss results and success stories shown on the site are typical, individual results will vary and are not guaranteed. Weight-loss success depends on each individual’s level of motivation, commitment, food intake and metabolism. Read our full disclaimer in the Terms & Conditions.

Can We Change What We Eat

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