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Obesity and My Heart

obesity and your heart

Obesity and My Heart: the Connection

Obesity and my heart, so what is the connection? Everybody agrees controlling your weight is often a challenge; it is seldom easy. Most people do agree, however, that the whole issue of being overweight or obese is far from rocket science. But it affects literally millions of people, men and women, both old and increasingly young. It’s described as a health time bomb waiting to explode.

obesity and the heart

Obesity is basic stuff. Recently, researchers asked a large group of ten-year-old children to think about how they would help the fat lady in the picture below to lose weight and regain her health. A few hours later, they delivered a universal answer: take her food away! Quite amazing, really, isn’t it? It almost seemed like the kids had been on a medical training course about the established and proven benefits of ‘fasting’.

obesity and the heart

So, we all know how obesity takes hold of our lives. It really is very basic stuff. Firstly, you take energy (fuel) into your body by consuming food or drink. Secondly, you burn off that energy (fuel) by thermogenics. This is achieved by movement, either physical movement or the amount of energy you expend per day with your basic metabolic rate. This is the energy you burn just by living and breathing.

So, the energy enters your body from the food and drink you consume. When you take in more fuel than your body burns that day, the remainder is very cleverly stored away as fat. So, fat is simply stored energy for us to use at any time in the near future when food is scarce. But, of course, if you repeatedly take in more energy than you burn, and food is seldom scarce, then your ever-growing reserves will result in you becoming obese.

It is, really, so simple. And the majority of people, with just a little effort, can take control and reverse the situation they find themselves in. If they really want to, of course. They need a little willpower, maybe, or maybe an increased commitment. But with just a little effort, in all honesty, it is possible to reverse and control obesity.

obesity and the heart

We have been working in the weight loss arena for over fifteen years. We don’t need reminding that we, like many other organisations, provide what is termed a ‘downstream’ solution to the ever-growing problem of obesity. Sarah, in the photo above, lost 140 pounds following her weight-loss treatment with us.

An Upstream Solution is Required

We help reverse the effects of obesity. It would be far better, however, if people were guided, inspired and given the basic information about the consumption of food and drink and helped to not become obese in the first place. That, of course, would be an ‘upstream solution’. That would almost certainly have to be a government-led initiative.

Obesity, or just being overweight, affects people in a wide range of situations throughout their lives. Experts have understood the negative effects on the health of the overweight person’s heart for generations. But surprisingly, it’s not usually at the top of the list of reasons as to why people want to lose weight. Often, the vision of them wearing a swimming costume on the beach or the thought of them wearing a little black dress to an upcoming party is more important. The health aspects are often far from a priority.

obesity and the heart connection

Obesity and Heart Health

Excess weight often leads to fatty deposits building up in a person’s arteries (the blood vessels that carry blood to your organs). If the arteries that carry blood to your heart become damaged and clogged, it can lead to a heart attack. If this happens in the arteries that carry blood to your brain, it can lead to a stroke or vascular dementia.

Everyone needs to retain some body fat to stay healthy. However, if you have too much, especially around your waist area, then this can be dangerous. Our bodies have two types of fat; many people are only concerned about the fat they can see and feel, which is positioned directly under their skin. This is called subcutaneous fat.

obesity and the heart

But the much more important risk to a person’s health comes from a type of fat called visceral fat. This type of fat lies around our internal organs, such as our heart. Visceral fat is responsible for raising the cholesterol in your blood. It also increases your blood pressure and your chances of developing type 2 diabetes.

When it comes to our heart health, we often think of things like cholesterol, blood pressure and exercise. But many people are not aware of just how big a part your weight and level of obesity has on the health of your heart and its ability to function. It seems almost obvious that obesity, or carrying around any extra weight, will add an ever-growing strain on your heart health, possibly resulting in problems like heart disease, stroke, and diabetes.

obesity and the heart

When you are overweight or obese, your heart has to work harder to pump blood around your body. This added strain on your heart can lead to a wide range of problems. In addition, being overweight can also cause changes in the way your body metabolises sugar. As we have already said, each of these conditions linked to obesity can, of course, have a serious impact on your heart health.

Obesity and My Heart

Fortunately, even modest weight loss and a small reduction in your level of obesity can have a big impact on your heart health. In fact, studies have shown that losing as little as 5-10% of your body weight can reduce your risk of developing heart disease or having a stroke. So if you’re carrying around a few, or many, extra pounds, here are a few tips to help you start on your weight-loss journey:

In Conclusion

Obesity is a prevalent and complex issue affecting millions of people of all ages, and it’s often described as a health time bomb. While the concept of obesity may seem simple, the impact it has on our health, especially our heart health, is far from basic. The connection between obesity and the heart is profound and should not be underestimated.

At its core, obesity results from an energy imbalance – taking in more fuel than we burn. The excess energy is stored as fat, leading to weight gain and increased risk of various health problems. It’s a problem that affects people throughout their lives and, if left unaddressed, can result in severe heart issues, including heart attacks, strokes, and diabetes.

Obesity and my Heart

The good news is that even modest weight loss and a reduction in obesity levels can significantly improve heart health. Losing just 5-10% of your body weight can reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke. While weight loss may require effort and commitment, it’s a journey that can be undertaken by most individuals.

In the battle against obesity and its impact on heart health, awareness and education play a critical role. Encouraging an “upstream solution” that focuses on teaching people about the consumption of food and drink and helping them avoid obesity in the first place is vital. While organisations like ours strive to provide “downstream” solutions, a more comprehensive approach, possibly government-led, is needed to address the obesity epidemic at its root.

Remember, your weight and obesity levels have a substantial impact on your heart health, so taking steps to address these issues can be life-saving. Your heart will thank you for it, and you’ll be on your way to a healthier, happier life.

Obesity and my Heart

The connection between obesity and heart health is a stark reality that affects millions of individuals across the globe. While the issue of obesity may seem basic in its essence – an imbalance between energy intake and expenditure – its consequences are anything but simple.

A Challenge

Obesity is often described as a ticking health time bomb, a challenge that demands our attention and concerted efforts. While it’s easy for children to suggest that taking food away from someone can help them lose weight, the reality is more complex. Obesity’s impact on the heart is a serious concern, as it can lead to the buildup of fatty deposits in arteries, ultimately posing a risk of heart attack, stroke, or vascular dementia.

Obesity and my Heart

Long Term Benefits

While visions of fitting into a swimsuit or a little black dress may drive many to address their weight concerns, it’s essential to prioritize the long-term health benefits that come with weight management. Obesity’s impact on heart health serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of taking control of our weight and overall well-being. With a little effort, commitment, and the right support, it is possible to reverse and control obesity, ensuring a healthier heart and a brighter future.

Obesity and my Heart

5 Tips to Start You Off

1. First, resist the urge to go for fast, maximum, short-term results. The majority of the weight lost this way will return, sometimes very quickly. Pace yourself; it’s true that in the first few weeks of a new weight-loss regime, you will see an elevated level of weight loss. But after that, you should expect to see something around one to two pounds of weight loss per week. This is both realistic and achievable.

2. Increase your physical activity level. As has been said so many times by us and many others, exercise alone will never result in weight loss. But it’s also true that doing even a small amount of physical activity is beneficial to your health. In addition to cutting calories, it will help you burn more calories if you take even a little moderate exercise.

3. Eat a healthy diet. A healthy diet is an important part of any weight-loss plan. Focus on eating a diet low in carbohydrates, whole grains, and lean protein. Avoid processed foods, sugary drinks and excessive amounts of saturated and unhealthy fats. You can find many pages on this website that will both guide and inspire you around adopting a low-carbohydrate diet.

4. Get support from others. Losing weight can be challenging, so it’s important to have a support system in place. Ask your friends and family for encouragement and accountability.

5. Be patient. Losing weight takes time, so don’t get discouraged if you don’t see immediate results. Just keep making healthy choices day after day and trust that the pounds will eventually start to come off.

Let Us Help You – The My Weigh Less downloadable weight-loss plan has been developed around in excess of 15,000 clinical hours of experience. It’s based on proven science, and it works… Check out our new page around Health and Weight Loss Here.

obesity and the heart

Our Top FAQs

Q1: Why is obesity often described as a health time bomb?

Answer: Obesity is referred to as a health time bomb because it affects millions of people and is associated with numerous health problems, including heart issues, diabetes, and strokes. If left unaddressed, the impact on public health can be severe.

Q2: How does obesity affect the heart’s health?

Answer: Excess weight can lead to fatty deposits in the arteries, increasing the risk of heart attacks and other cardiovascular issues. It also makes the heart work harder to pump blood, potentially causing heart disease.

Q3: What is the difference between subcutaneous fat and visceral fat in relation to heart health?

Answer: Subcutaneous fat is the visible fat under the skin, while visceral fat surrounds internal organs, including the heart. Visceral fat is more dangerous as it raises cholesterol, blood pressure, and the risk of type 2 diabetes, significantly affecting heart health.

Q4: Can modest weight loss make a difference in heart health?

Answer: Yes, studies show that losing as little as 5-10% of body weight can reduce the risk of heart disease and strokes. Even modest weight loss can have a significant positive impact on heart health.

Q5: What is the role of education in addressing obesity and heart health?

Answer: Education plays a crucial role in addressing obesity and its impact on heart health. Teaching people about the consumption of food and drink and providing information on how to avoid obesity in the first place is vital to preventing heart-related issues.

Q6: Is there a difference between “upstream” and “downstream” solutions for obesity?

Answer: Yes, “upstream” solutions focus on preventing obesity from occurring, while “downstream” solutions address it after it has developed. Preventive measures, often government-led, are essential to tackle the root causes of obesity.

Q7: Why is obesity not usually a top priority for people who want to lose weight?

Answer: Many people prioritise aesthetic or social factors like wearing swimwear or fashionable clothing over the health implications. It’s essential to raise awareness about the health risks of obesity.

Q8: How can individuals start their weight-loss journey to improve heart health?

Answer: Modest weight loss can make a big difference in heart health. Individuals can start by setting achievable goals, making dietary improvements, and incorporating regular exercise into their routines. Consulting with healthcare professionals can also provide personalized guidance. We have a dedicated Blog Post about how to start a diet; follow the link.

Tired of Failed Diets? Discover a Proven Weight-Loss Solution!

Are you tired of trying countless diets that never seem to work? Frustrated with the constant cycle of losing and regaining weight? What if a medically endorsed solution was rooted in thousands of hours of clinical experience? One that didn’t involve restrictive diets, excessive exercise, or invasive surgeries? Sarah Hart, below, featured on UK television, lost an incredible 140 pounds.

A Psychological Approach to Sustainable Weight Loss

Consider a new psychological approach to weight loss, where you effortlessly learn to eat when you’re genuinely hungry rather than relying on emotions like tiredness, sadness, loneliness, stress or depression to dictate your eating habits. You can complete the whole My Weigh Less Master Class from the comfort of your own home. The course includes a PDF forensic questionnaire, 12 audio MP3 sessions, 9 different hypnosis sessions and much more. For more information, you can read our Course Details page.

Imagining a Healthier You

Picture yourself as a healthier, slimmer version of yourself, free from dieting fears and able to enjoy social events with boundless energy and boosted self-esteem. Meet the experts behind the success: Martin and Marion Shirran are clinical therapists with nearly two decades of experience in the weight-loss field. They are the creators of the globally acclaimed Gastric Mind Band Permanent Weight-Loss Treatment. Sharon below lost 60 pounds on the programme.

Celebrated in the Media and Beyond

Their ground-breaking work has been featured in prominent newspapers such as the Daily Mail, The Times, The Telegraph, and the Express. Leading magazines like Vogue, Marie Claire, Good Housekeeping, and Reader’s Digest have also recognised their contributions. The Shirrans and several of their clients have also made television appearances on both sides of the Atlantic.

Obesity and my Heart

A Diverse Clientele Achieving Success

Over a thousand individuals, including medical professionals, celebrities, and the general public, have travelled from around the world to experience their weight-loss treatment. Some sought to enhance their appearance, while others prioritised their health, successfully reversing medical conditions like insulin resistance, diabetes, high blood pressure, and fatty liver disease.

A Continuously Evolving Approach

The My Weigh Less programme has undergone over fifteen years of research and development. Clients of various ages, from fourteen to eighty-six, have achieved remarkable results. Check out the many verified weight-loss success stories and before-and-after photos on this website.

Accessible and Effective

Martin and Marion Shirran

So, are you ready to embark on your weight-loss journey? Martin and Marion Shirran, in the photo above, along with Oxford Therapeutics Ltd, have made their unique approach more accessible than ever. You can download their ‘My Weigh Less Master Class’ to your phone, tablet, or desktop computer today. You can complete the entire twelve-session course from the comfort of your own home.

Be the next My Weigh Less success story.

Experience the ‘My Weigh Less’ downloadable treatment, a medically endorsed, proven weight-loss approach backed by over 15,000 hours of clinical treatment. Say goodbye to dieting struggles and hello to permanent results.

Ready to Transform Your Life?

Begin your weight-loss journey today. Discover how a psychology-focused weight-loss method that works will ensure you finally reach your goals. Visit the ‘Buy Now’ page to start your transformation.

Permanent Weight Loss
– No Diet or Exercise Required –
– Medically Endorsed –
– 15,000 1:1 Clinical Hours Experience –
– Fully Downloadable –
– Featured in Global Media –
– Award-Winning Programme –

Marion Shirran, as a director of Oxford Therapeutics Limited, is proud to be a registered Stakeholder in NICE – National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. Additionally, she is involved in the government’s All-Party Parliamentary Group on Obesity.

My weigh Less

We were proud to be nominated for the ‘Most Innovative Obesity Psychological Therapy Service’ in the UK Mental Health Awards 2022.

Mental Health Awards 2022 "Most Innovative Obesity Psychological Therapy Service"

We also appeared on the This Morning TV show with Holly Willoughby and Phillip Schofield.

Holly and Phil interviewed Martin and Marion Shirran

In 2010, we travelled to New York to be interviewed on the Good Morning America TV Show.

Good Morning America

We are also co-authors of two bestselling books on the topic of non-surgical weight loss, published by Hay House.

Martin and Marion Shirran
weight loss course

You can read a full breakdown of all the components included in the treatment package on the Course Details page. There is also an explanation of the treatment on the Does This Work? page. We look forward to working with you. Additionally, you can read reviews from medical and other professionals on the Medical Endorsement page.

My Weigh Less

View the Short Animated Want and Need Video Below…

Click on the link below to listen to our short audio introduction of the weight-loss course.

Free Sample Download of My weigh Less

You can download the complete My Weigh Less course and start your weight-loss journey today.

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My Weigh Less®/ and all associated intellectual property rights are the property of Oxford Therapeutics Limited, a company registered in London.

Oxford Therapeutics Ltd

You can read additional information about us and our weight-loss treatment on the Gastric Mind Band website.

Although the weight-loss results and success stories shown on the site are typical, individual results will vary and are not guaranteed. Weight-loss success depends on each individual’s level of motivation, commitment, food intake and metabolism. Read our full disclaimer in the Terms & Conditions.

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