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Safe Weight Loss For Teenagers

Award Winning Weight Loss Treatment

The No Diet, Diet.’

Safe Weight Loss For Teenagers - My Weigh Less

Safe Weight Loss For Teenagers

My Weigh Less

Safe Weight Loss For Teenagers. Helping teenagers to lose weight in a responsible manner can be challenging. Martin and Marion Shirran of the Elite Clinic have worked with many teenagers from around the world over the years. Consequently, the award-winning ‘My Weigh Less’ treatment fits perfectly in the teenage weight loss arena. Also, as it is non-surgical and does not involve any prescription or non-prescription medications, it is entirely safe.

Recently, we have had a considerable increase in the number of enquiries regarding our dedicated permanent weight loss treatments for teenagers, possibly as a run-on of the Covid pandemic. This often stems from both the concern and interest of their parents.

Safe Weight Loss For Teenagers - My Weigh Less

The problem of childhood/teenage obesity continues to gain worldwide publicity. It is said that obesity is among the easiest medical conditions to recognise but the most difficult to treat. Certainly, Martin and Marion Shirran confirm that helping people to lose weight is often a challenge, regardless of the age of the client. It’s sad but true that overweight children are much more likely to become overweight adults than normal-weight youngsters. And, of course, this fact highlights the importance of early intervention. Alarmingly, studies have shown that a child who is obese has an 80 per cent chance of becoming an obese adult.

Of course, the causes of obesity are complex and include genetic, biological, behavioural and cultural factors. If one parent is obese, there is a 50 per cent chance that his or her child will also be obese. However, when both parents are obese, the risk increases to the extent that their children have an 80 per cent chance of becoming obese. You can also read additional information on the AACAP.Org website.

Teenage weight loss

Martin and Marion have been flown literally around the world to help teenagers of both celebrities and VIPs, working in their homes over extended periods. The new Award Winning My Weigh Less Treatment has already received positive global interest. Also, a recent GMB press release, ‘Thigh Gaps & the Bikini Bridge’ highlighted our commitment to offering a safe, realistic solution for teenagers wishing to shed excess pounds safely.

Causes of Childhood Obesity

According to the WHO, childhood obesity is one of the most severe public health challenges this century. Globally around 10% of all children aged between 5-17 are overweight or obese. Also, this figure is rising rapidly, mainly because of poor eating habits and lifestyle changes in recent years. As an example, adolescents consume far more fast food and sugary drinks nowadays than previous generations. And, on top of this, because our modern lifestyle reduces the need to expend energy, young people spend as much as 60% of their day sitting still. They, in effect, live in an Obesergenic Society.

Safe Weight Loss For Teenagers - My Weigh Less

Safe Weight Loss For Teenagers

The My Weigh Less treatment provides a safe and permanent weight loss solution that has proved popular with teenagers. Because the treatment is entirely downloadable, there is no reason why one or both of the teenager’s parents shouldn’t go through the treatment simultaneously. It’s such a great idea to complete the weight loss course as a family. This not only provides peace of mind for the parents but can also be very motivational for the child. An additional bonus is that as the treatment is entirely downloadable to any device, mobile, tablet or desktop computer, the programme can be completed in the comfort and security of your own home. No public weigh-ins or meetings…

Teenagers and Body Insecurity Issues

A teenager’s general health and wellbeing is of paramount importance. However, it’s often body image and fitting in with media perceptions that pique the interest in weight loss, especially with younger female clients. Therefore, we strongly recommend that parents be aware of any issues their child has around body image. We incorporate strategies to reduce insecurity, as well as boost levels of self-esteem during the sessions. Additionally, the course encourages participants to appreciate the benefits of adopting a long-term, healthy and active lifestyle.

Safe Weight Loss For Teenagers - My Weigh Less

Helping Teenagers to Lose Weight

There are many different aspects to our weight loss course, including practical CBT strategies and relaxing hypnosis sessions. Our very own forensic questionnaire helps to identify potential trigger situations, such as boredom, stress, or comfort. Then, we provide techniques to ensure that the individual does not turn to food. For instance, we include suggestions on setting short-term, realistic goals. We also explain the importance of making healthy choices, reducing sugar and limiting processed/fast food to help achieve successful weight loss.

Safe Weight Loss For Teenagers

During the twelve sessions that make up the My Weigh Less Course, we introduce a number of proven psychology-focused, unique weight-loss interventions that you can start to use immediately. The medically endorsed and now Award-Winning treatment is based on 15,000 1:1 clinical treatment hours, working with over a thousand individuals. My Weigh Less delivers a permanent solution.

Safe Weight Loss For Teenagers - My Weigh Less

In Conclusion

In conclusion, the ‘My Weigh Less’ treatment stands as a beacon of hope in the midst of the growing concern over teenage obesity. Martin and Marion Shirran’s dedication to addressing this pressing issue with a science-based, psychological approach has resulted in a program that not only offers safe and effective weight loss but also nurtures self-esteem and encourages the adoption of healthier lifestyles.

Childhood and teenage obesity is a challenge with complex causes, but with the right tools and guidance, it can be effectively tackled. The My Weigh Less program, grounded in cognitive-behavioral strategies, hypnosis, and comprehensive psychological interventions, equips teenagers and their families to make lasting changes.

Safe Weight Loss For Teenagers

By enabling parents to join their teenagers in the weight loss journey, the program fosters a sense of unity, support, and motivation within families. It also addresses body image concerns and media pressures, helping teenagers build resilience and self-confidence.

With its impressive track record of 15,000 clinical treatment hours and the success of over a thousand individuals, My Weigh Less offers a proven and permanent solution to teenage weight loss. This program embodies the power of science, psychology, and dedication to create a healthier, brighter future for our teenagers, where they can overcome the challenges of obesity and thrive in a world that values well-being and self-acceptance.

Our Top Faqs

FAQ 1. Is teenage obesity really a significant concern in today’s world?

Answer: Yes, teenage obesity is a severe public health challenge. According to the WHO, approximately 10% of all children aged 5-17 worldwide are overweight or obese, and this figure is on the rise due to poor eating habits and lifestyle changes.

FAQ 2. What is the ‘My Weigh Less’ treatment, and how does it work?

Answer: The ‘My Weigh Less’ treatment is a science-based program that combines cognitive-behavioural strategies, hypnosis, and psychological interventions to help teenagers achieve safe and permanent weight loss. It provides a downloadable, family-friendly approach that focuses on setting realistic goals, reducing sugar intake, and making healthier choices.

FAQ 3. Why is it important for parents to participate in the treatment alongside their teenagers?

Answer: Having parents participate in the treatment with their teenagers fosters a sense of unity, support, and motivation within families. It also helps parents better understand their child’s journey, creating a more conducive environment for successful weight loss.

FAQ 4. How does the program address body image issues and media pressures among teenagers?

Answer: The program acknowledges that body image is often a significant concern for teenagers, especially with the influence of media perceptions. It incorporates strategies to reduce insecurity and boost self-esteem during the sessions, emphasizing the importance of adopting a long-term, healthy, and active lifestyle. Safe Weight Loss For Teenagers.

FAQ 5. Can you provide examples of the cognitive-behavioural strategies used in the program?

Answer: The program includes cognitive-behavioural strategies that help participants identify potential trigger situations for overeating, such as boredom, stress, or comfort. It provides techniques to ensure that individuals do not turn to food when faced with these triggers.

FAQ 6. What results can teenagers and their families expect from the ‘My Weigh Less’ treatment?

Answer: Participants can expect not only safe and effective weight loss but also an improved understanding of healthier choices and habits. The program aims to deliver a permanent solution for teenagers and their families, providing tools and knowledge to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

FAQ 7. Is the ‘My Weigh Less’ treatment supported by scientific research or endorsements?

Answer: Yes, the treatment is grounded in science and psychology. It has garnered positive global interest and endorsements from experts in the field, making it a well-regarded approach in the battle against teenage obesity.

FAQ 8. How can individuals access the ‘My Weigh Less’ treatment, and is it accessible from anywhere?

Answer: The program is available for download and can be accessed from any device, including mobile phones, tablets, and desktop computers. This makes it convenient and secure for participants to complete the program in the comfort of their own homes without the need for public weigh-ins or meetings.

Are you tired of trying an endless list of diets that just don’t work? Frustrated with the constant cycle of losing and regaining weight? Are you looking for a medically endorsed solution, one based on thousands of hours of clinical experience?  Maybe something that doesn’t involve following a restrictive diet, doing lots of exercise, or having invasive surgery…? So, go ahead, relax, and take a few minutes to daydream… What would it be like to be slim and healthy, to be at your target weight? Can you imagine if you never had to go on a diet again or be afraid of food? What if you were able to enjoy every social event with the fantastic feeling of extra energy and improved self-esteem? Welcome to My Weigh Less Master Class – The Gold Standard in Permanent Weight Loss.

Safe Weight Loss For Teenagers

Read on to find out about our award-winning solution! But first, allow us to introduce ourselves. We are Martin and Marion Shirran, and we have worked in the field of weight loss for almost 20 years. We are both clinical therapists and the developers of the globally acclaimed Gastric Mind Band Permanent Weight-Loss Treatment. Articles about our treatment and successful clients have appeared in the global media, including The Times, The Telegraph and the Express. Additionally, magazines such as Vogue, Marie Claire, Good Housekeeping, Hello, Woman, Reader’s Digest and Psychologies have featured our work, as have TV shows around the world.

MWL effortlessly delivers the dieter into the eye of the dieting storm. On a psychological level, it delivers a profound and excitingly new approach to the introduction of change in a person’s life. The treatment allows participants to seamlessly overcome their negative issues around food and eating in general, resulting in them being able to make the connection between weight loss and wellness.

My Weigh Less

Safe Weight Loss For Teenagers

During the twelve one-hour sessions that make up the programme, dieters learn about aspects of obesity and weight loss that they may have never associated as being connected. The programme has been built around a combination of empirically proven interventions. These include TactileCBT, Cognitive Behaviour Therapy and Neuro-Linguistic Programming, as well as Clinical Hypnotherapy. The treatment is designed to connect your mind with your body, delivering a simple, clean connection between Weight Loss and Wellness.

Safe Weight Loss For Teenagers

Over a thousand people travelled from around the world to experience our weight-loss treatment. Our clients include celebrities, members of the public and medical professionals, including doctors, dentists, nurses, anaesthetists and consultant surgeons. Some clients simply want to shed their excess weight to look better. However, others tell us that health is the main reason. Many of our past clients have successfully reversed medical conditions such as insulin resistance, diabetes, high blood pressure, and fatty liver disease, whereas others have managed to avoid having knee or hip replacement surgery. You may like to read more details on our Medical Endorsements page.

Safe Weight Loss For Teenagers

Our weight-loss approach has been the subject of continued research and development over the last thirteen years. Sharon, above, lost 75 pounds. Our youngest client was just fourteen, and the oldest was eighty-six. Some clients wished to lose just a few pounds to fit into their wedding dress. But others, like Sarah below, went on to lose over 140 pounds. As a result, she was featured globally on TV and in the press. Follow this link to sign up for our course now, and you can start your weight-loss journey today.

Sarah before and after losing weight

Our psychology-focused weight loss programme provides a ‘Psychological Reset’ for those wishing to lose weight. The programme incorporates an updated version of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, TCBT, which is the subject of our bestselling book, published globally by Hay House. Professor Windy Dryden of Goldsmiths University in London endorsed the book, and Professor Philip Zimbardo of Stanford University in the USA wrote the foreword. We also incorporate the latest developments around Neuroplasticity and Neuro-Linguistic Programming along with many other disciplines. One component of our psychology-focused weight loss programme provides a ‘Psychological Reset’. At this statement, ‘Psychological Reset,’ we have observed many people raising their eyebrows; see below.

Safe Weight Loss For Teenagers

Let me give you a couple of examples: the programme will allow you to make a number of simple cognitive changes in your thought processes…small changes that deliver ‘massive results’. For example, think for a moment how different your relationship with food and weight loss would be if we re-programmed your subconscious mind to effortlessly replace the word “want” with the word “need”? The result, imagine you are out having dinner with friends, and after ordering a burger, instead of hearing the waiter asking: “Do you ‘want’ fries with that?” without thinking, you hear and automatically process the question as: “Do you ‘need’ fries with that?” Things would be very different, right? You see, at a cognitive level, we process those words differently. Later, maybe the waiter says, do you ‘want’ another glass of wine? You, of course, hear and cognitively process the word stream as do you ‘need’ another glass of wine. You can watch an animated video explaining ‘Want and Need’ and how it works at the bottom of this page.

Safe Weight Loss For Teenagers

Another ‘fix’ in the programme relates to just why people eat. So, during the programme, you will be asked when was the last time you ate in response to actual, physical hunger. Most people say: “Thinking about it, I haven’t been physically hungry for years”. And so we ask them: “Do you ever eat when you are bored, stressed, tired, lonely, depressed, sad, to reward yourself, when watching TV, or maybe just to please someone else?” Then, we do another reset, and so it goes on…

We have over 100 blog post articles on the site, covering many different topics. The blog page section is updated almost weekly; take a look by following this Blog Page Link.

Martin and Marion Shirran

We have spent many months completely reformatting our unique, phenomenally successful approach to weight loss. As a result, the course is now instantly available to download to your phone, tablet, or computer. This also means that you can complete the entire course without having to leave the comfort and security of your own home. Welcome to the ‘My Weigh Less Master Class’!

Safe Weight Loss For Teenagers

Read on the pages of this website how the award-winning ‘My Weigh Less’ downloadable treatment is successfully delivering what is surely ‘utopia’ to dieters: a medically endorsed, proven weight-loss approach that provides permanent results! The programme is also based on over 15,000 1:1 clinical treatment hours. My Weigh Less can help you reach your weight-loss goals.

Permanent Weight Loss
– No Diet or Exercise Required –
– Medically Endorsed –
– 15,000 1:1 Clinical Hours Experience –
– Fully Downloadable –
– Featured in Global Media –
– Award-Winning Programme –

We have over 100 blog posts on the site, covering many different topics. The blog page section is updated almost weekly; take a look by following this Blog Page Link.

Safe Weight Loss For Teenagers

Marion Shirran, as a director of Oxford Therapeutics Limited, is proud to be a registered Stakeholder in NICE – National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. Marion is also involved in the government’s All-Party Parliamentary Group on Obesity.

My weigh Less - Safe Weight Loss For Teenagers

We were proud to be awarded the ‘Most Innovative Obesity Psychological Therapy’ in the UK Mental Health Awards 2022.

Mental Health Awards 2022 "Most Innovative Obesity Psychological Therapy Service"

We also appeared on the This Morning TV show with Holly Willoughby and Phillip Schofield.

Holly and Phil interviewed Martin and Marion Shirran

In 2010, we travelled to New York to be interviewed on the Good Morning America TV Show.

Good Morning America - Safe Weight Loss For Teenagers

We are also co-authors of two bestselling books about non-surgical weight loss, published by Hay House.

Martin and Marion Shirran
weight loss course

You can read a full breakdown of all the components included in the treatment package on the Course Details page. There is also an explanation of the treatment on the Does This Work? page. We look forward to working with you. Additionally, you can read reviews from medical and other professionals on the Medical Endorsement page.

Watch the Short Animated ‘Want and Need Video’ Below…

Click on the link below to listen to our short audio introduction to the weight-loss course.

Free Sample Download of My weigh Less

You can download the complete My Weigh Less course and start your weight-loss journey today.

Register Now for the My Weigh Less Course

Downloadable Weight-Loss Treatment

My Weigh Less®/ and all associated intellectual property rights are the property of Oxford Therapeutics Limited, a company registered in London.

Oxford Therapeutics Limited with My Weigh Less

You can read additional information about us and our weight-loss treatment on the Gastric Mind Band website.

Although the weight-loss results and success stories shown on the site are typical, individual results will vary, and are not guaranteed. Weight-loss success depends on each individual’s level of motivation, commitment, food intake and metabolism. Read our full disclaimer in the Terms & Conditions.

Safe Weight Loss For Teenagers

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